Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Victoria and I decided to go to a town that was on the outskirts of the bordering kingdom. We'd never been there before. I'd gone to my room to change into something warmer. The temperature was in the low 30s. Snow might even be beginning to fall.. I really hoped so. I loved the snow.

I stopped at my full length mirror and stared at myself. I felt strange. That disconnect I had felt earlier hasn't gone away. I stared blankly into my own eyes. My chest tightened suddenly. Why did I feel like this? I tried to recall the moment it started. I guess I had woken up feeling like this. I didn't like not being aware of my own emotions. The world just felt so..dull. I was just having an off day. That's all. I sighed and stepped out of my room, jumping instantly.

"Jesus Salem" I gasped, he spooked me again since I can't sense him. He was leaning against the wall outside of my room. When our eyes met my breath caught in my throat. Something unfamiliar swelled inside my heart. He was wearing a black jacket, long black pants and had a blue scarf hanging around his neck.

"My apologies, Princess" he smiled at me slightly and bowed his head.

I smiled now suddenly. I couldn't stop myself. I suddenly felt...okay.

"Are you mine again?" I blurted out and shut my eyes, rubbing my forehead.

"Sorry I meant are you my guard again?" I stammered out and he laughed quietly to himself.

"Yes, I'm all yours." He spoke warmly. I nodded, trying to conceal my smile with my sweater. 'All yours'...

I turned to start walking and stopped abruptly when he grabbed my arm gently. I looked back at him in question.

"I need you to promise me something" he had a serious look in his eyes. I nodded, turning to face him.

"When it's the full moon you can't go finding me. You absolutely can't again, okay?" His tone was desperate, his eyes serious.

"You shouldn't be alone like that. Locked in some dark room like you're a monster" I whispered and he shook his head, grabbing my face gently with both hands.

"I know you never listen to me like you should, but please Dayanara. Listen to me now. You cannot do that again. I appreciate the concern but it really isn't safe. Not even for you." He was begging now. My breath was caught in my throat at his touch. I felt my cheeks warming. My mind instantly went to the night he kissed me. My eyes flicked to his lips involuntarily. I wanted him closer. I wanted him to kiss me again.

"Okay" I managed to whisper out, I sounded desperate now, too. Not for the same reasons as him..

His laugh broke my trance and he stroked my cheek with his thumb before dropping his hands.

"Stop daydreaming about me kissing you. You have somewhere to be" his words caught me off guard and I gasped.

"Oh please!" I scoffed at him, rolling my eyes as we began walking.

"I was not daydreaming about that. I was remembering how you look with a nice wolf muzzle." I teased, crossing my arms. He shot me a glare and I held back my giggle.

I tried to think of anything but him kissing me. My mind was stuck on it. It had to be because it was something new and exciting. I mean, kissing was fun. I was disappointed I'd gone my whole life without it until now. That's all it was. The lustful side of being a vampire was rearing it's head at me. That's all. Pure instinct.
Nothing more..nothing less...


I sipped on a hot chocolate and sighed in content. This town was on the countryside. We were at a cafe that had a beautiful view of the valley and surrounding snow capped mountains. This town was pure bliss. I tightened the belt on my pea coat, shivering slightly. Victoria did the same as she stood up. Salem was sitting next to us leaning against the balcony, staring at the valley down below.

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