Chapter Eleven

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I sat on the castle wall, shaking my head at my stupidity. How far did I think I could get being in this stupid dress and heels?

I looked back to the castle and ran for my window. Maybe it was unlocked and I could get clothes and then leave.

I tried forcing the window open with no luck.
Well that's just great.

These stupid windows were practically vampire resistant when they were locked.

I didn't even have my phone to be able to text Victoria.

I groaned to myself and froze when my bedroom door opened. Please be a maid please be a maid.

To my delight a maid walked in, shrieking when she saw me. She quickly ran over and unlocked the window.

"Princess Dayanara" she gasped, looking confused and shocked.

"I just had to get away from all of the noise and thought maybe my window would be unlocked so I could get a moment of peace in my room" I quickly rambled out and she nodded once, looking at me like I was a crazy person. I ushered her out of the room, assuring her I was fine. I locked my door and tore the stupid dress off, changing into jeans and a T-shirt. I grabbed my phone and cards and went back to the window. I stuck my head out and listened hard but heard nothing.

I leapt from my window and took off running, scaling the wall and high tailing it towards the forest. I was doing it!

I pumped my arms hard, running as fast and as far as I could.

I smiled and laughed to myself, loving the feeling of my feet pounding the earth below.

This felt like freedom.

I looked up to the sky, the stars coming into focus as I ran.

I stopped at the top of a ravine, staring down below in wonder. I ran alongside it, glancing every now and then. I ran for what felt like forever, pausing every now and then to rest a moment.

I took a step forward, yelping when something stabbed into my neck suddenly.

I slid across the earthy floor on my side, skidding into a tree.

I blinked a few times and my vision blurred. The last thing I saw was a silhouette approaching me.

When I came to I couldn't will my eyes to open, hearing the voices of men around me.

"She's already coming back around. I thought that was supposed to keep her down for like an hour?" He spoke in disbelief and I heard shuffling.

"She's got a powerful blood line of course it wouldn't last long." This man kicked my side roughly.

"Wakey wakey your highness!" He cheered and I heard a smack.

"Don't mess with her. He said she comes unharmed. You already banged her up by practically decapitating her." The first man scolded him and I opened my eyes slowly.

"Brody couldn't even get into the castle wall, little did he know we just had to wait for her to come us." The second man laughed and my stomach began to turn.

He bent down and grabbed my arm, pulling me up. The world felt so..distant. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't stand.

"We've got a long journey ahead of us." He sneered at me and suddenly there was a low growl coming from the surrounding woods.

The men looked at each other wearily.

"Did that sound like a..." The first man trailed off, eyes scanning the forest.

"No it's impossible this isn't their territory.." he continued on and the second man gave him a fearful look.

"Listen, we gotta go. I'm not trying to catch a werewolf bite man." His voice was panicked and I tried to make sense of everything.

I was being kidnapped. Because I'm an idiot and left the castle. I felt so numb that I wasn't scared. I felt nothing. My entire body felt like jello.

The growl came again, louder and fiercer. It was definitely an animal.

The second man picked me up and took off running alongside the other.

In theory we could outrun werewolves...unless they were in their wolf form.

The first man suddenly dropped, screaming in the distant as this guy kept running.

"Shit shit shit" he whispered frantically, skidding to a stop.

He dropped me, the first man stumbled towards us. Both of his arms hung loosely. They were broken.

"Take her and go!" He shouted, wincing in pain. He suddenly went flying, landing on the second man. I tried to scurry away, the world spinning again. I felt paralyzed.

My guard stood a few feet away, his eyes met mine and relief filled me.

The men tried to run, I shut my eyes as my guard disappeared. There were no screams, just shuffling and deafening snaps.

I laid silently, my breathing started to pick up. The feeling in my body was slowly coming back and the fear and panic suddenly hit me. I began hyperventilating.

The crunching of footsteps approached me and I tried to scream, a slurring noise coming out of my mouth. What the hell did they stab me with!?

I was scooped up, a hand gently supporting my head, their nails felt long and sharpened.
My eyes met my guards. He held me bridal style and my head flopped onto his shoulder.

"I walk" I mumbled, my mouth trying to work.

"No. No you don't. I make the demands now." He snapped angrily and I stared at him, my chest tightened.

I almost just got kidnapped.

I starting gasping for air, the realization of what just happened overcoming me.

He sighed, glancing at me briefly.

"You're safe now" he muttered quietly, a hint of anger still in his voice. his fangs were still extended, his bottom canines were sharpened.

"There's something out here" I whispered, the growls from before filling my head. He glanced at me, a strange look in his eyes.

I calmed myself down after a few minutes of panic, I felt like my body was lagging.

"You're gonna tell father" I whispered, forcing the words out.

He frowned a little, keeping his eyes ahead as he carried me through the forest.

"And tell him what? That his daughter is so blinded by her own selfishness that she tried to run away despite all of his efforts to make sure she's happy?" He snapped at me, shaking his head.

"I already have a story planned. Unlike you I am not so comfortable with breaking the Kings heart." He whispered the ending and my heart dropped into my stomach. He was right.

I was selfish. I didn't even consider what running away would do to father...Victoria.. nobody.

I burst out crying, my emotions were too overwhelming.

I really just tried to run away and throw a tantrum like a child.

I cried heavily, my guard stayed silent as I did so.

Embarrassment and shame filled me now.

"You could've been killed" he whispered finally as we approached the castle walls.

I sniffled, nodding and hiding my face against his shoulder.

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