Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*****Salem's POV*****

I jolted awake after nodding off slightly, I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I was on day 5 of no sleep and it was killing me. Even vampires had their limits. Dayanara was showering, I had slid down the wall outside and was sitting up against it.

I could feel Jade approaching and I listened quickly in on the room, hoping she was finished and I could go back in before Jade saw me.

Of course I wouldn't be so lucky. She approached me with a flirtatious smile and I kept my eyes on the wall before me.

"Good evening, Salem" she purred and I sighed.

"James still hasn't left?" I looked up at her and she laughed.

"We both know he's too prideful to let her push him away. He keeps extending our stay, but we have to return tomorrow." She crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'm so bored. Come back to my room with me?" She wiggles her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes. Months ago I would've said yes. I had no desire to be with her anymore.

The door opened and Dayanara stopped, looking back and forth between us.

"Oh, sorry." She mumbled quietly and went back into her room and I got up, sticking my foot in the doorway to stop her from shutting it.

Jade growled to herself when I entered the room and shut it behind me. Dayanara was standing at the window, staring at the sky.

"There will be a full moon tomorrow." She spoke quietly and I nodded. Why was she so fixated on that.

"James is leaving tomorrow." I added in, hoping it would change her mood. She scoffed quietly and I raised an eyebrow.

"Convenient that they leave when you have to return to that kingdom." She whispered and I could feel her irritation that she failed to hide.

"I'm sorry, would you like him to stay longer when I'm not here to keep him at bay?" I tilted my head at her and she shook her head. I knew exactly what she was implying.

"No." She muttered quietly and I sighed, sitting in my chair.

"People around here really like to make me repeat myself huh" I grumbled and she turned, glaring at me.

"I've been trying to get James to leave for days. I told you already that I don't have any want to be with Jade. I don't even want to be around her." I snapped slightly but kept my composure and her face turned red.

"I don't care if you wanted to" she growled at me and I could tell she was lying. I didn't get why she was so bothered about that topic.

"Yes you do and you can't hide it. If I wanted to be with Jade I wouldn't be in here every night just to make you feel comforted." This made her fall silent and her look softened.

"Have you been sleeping?" She whispered quietly and I shook my head.

"You just lay there?" She frowned slightly and I nodded. I couldn't let myself fall asleep in case she woke up, no matter how bad my body wanted to.

She seemed to think for a moment, walking over to her bed and sitting down she flicked on the tv and moved over.

"You should sleep." She spoke sheepishly and I hesitated.

"I'll watch tv, you sleep." She kept from looking at me as her cheek tinted red again. I nodded once, getting into the bed next to her.

I still felt my mind fighting sleep, but I was so damn exhausted.

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