Chapter Fifty-Eight

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I buried my head further under the blanket. Victoria knocked furiously on the door. I sighed to myself, pulling my legs up closer to my body.

I didn't know why I was so depressed. I really just wanted to sleep. I've slept so much the past week. I drug myself to work, even then, I wasn't doing much.

The door flung open, Victoria shut it quickly.

"I'm done with this" she grumbled, throwing the blinds open and coming to my bed. She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"What's gotten into you? Are you having a bad spell?" She sat down giving me a sympathetic look. I shrugged.

"Could this have something to do with Salem being gone?" She spoke carefully and I shrugged again. I knew it was.. I was just trying to avoid that thought and convince myself I didn't know why I was so down. It was so strange... it hit me very quickly. It had to be the mate thing.

"What happened on the vacation?" She spoke sternly and I felt my chest tighten.

"Look.." she started slowly, grabbing my arm.

"I know this whole thing is a bad position for you...with Salem I mean.. because he's not a prince. I know you're probably terrified of anything getting out..but .. you obviously feel things for him. I mean, your first kiss was with him.. that speaks volumes because I know you and I know how reserved you've always been.. Salem is special. It's going to hurt you more to hold all of this in. As your best friend, I don't want that for you." Tears brimmed her eyes now and she sighed.

"I'm sorry for being upset its just.. you deserve so much. You've been through so much. You deserve someone like Salem and it hurts to see you like this.." tears filled my eyes now. Victoria and I have known each other so long. She never left my side when my mom died. She has always been right there.

I sat up slowly, trying to fix my hair.

"Salem is my mate." I spoke quietly and victorias eyes widened.

"It's something I've just recently come to terms with..but I've known for a few weeks now.." I trailed off, shutting my eyes tight

"I haven't spoken to him about it. I don't know if he feels it-" I stopped abruptly. There was only so much I could say, Victoria didn't know he was what he was..

"On the vacation.." I trailed off and she leaned forward.

"We had sex. I asked him if he'd have sex with me." I spoke firmly and Victoria shrieked in excitement. She jumped off the bed and began jumping up and down like a child.

"I'm sorry daya that's just the greatest thing I've heard all year. He's so good for you! You both get along so well you're so close and you've already done the ole investment inquiry?" She beamed at me and I rolled my eyes, cheeks heating up.

"But he's my mate Victoria. My mate!" I whispered harshly and the reality seemed to hit her.

"And your dad would probably never let you.." she trailed off and I nodded.

"I don't even know if he feels the bond too. I think it's why I'm so down.. him being gone the last week. I miss him. I miss him a lot. I feel like I just need him near" my tone was so desperate it caught me by surprise.

"You have to talk to him. Be honest. Live in the moment." She held my hand tightly and I nodded.

"I just have to find the right time" I whispered and she giggled, hopping onto my bed again.

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