Chapter Four

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You stupid head

I waited until 11pm before getting ready for the club, everyone had to be asleep. I told my guard around 10 that I was tired and ready for bed. He retreated to wherever his room is, I had no idea.

The castle had fallen silent, aside from the few night workers.

My makeup was perfect, I straightened my hair for once and was wearing a moderately small black dress that hugged my body in the perfect ways.

I flicked my light off and opened my window, struggling to position my heels on the outside of the wall so that I could turn and close it slightly. After one final long listen for any movement near my room, I leapt from my window and stumbled when I hit the ground. Guess I misjudged that landing, oops. I straightened myself up and saluted the building as I always did before sneaking away. Victoria was at the usual spot, waiting with our ride. I strode happily to the castle wall, messing with my nails.

"Quite the graceful landing there, Princess." A voice sounded from the top of the wall and I jumped.

"What the hell!?" I kept my voice hushed as my eyes met my guards, perched on top of the wall. He tilted his head at me and I slapped my forehead, groaning.

"You're freaking kidding!" I whispered harshly and I could see him smirking under the moonlight. He actually looked amazing sitting there..the moon highlighted the features of his face so well. He looked like art.

I mentally scolded myself for thinking these things and crossed my arms.

"Going somewhere?" His tone had a hint of playfulness. I shrugged and waved my hand in the direction of the yard.

"I like walks under the moon.." I knew he wouldn't buy that.

"Yes a moonlit walk in heels and a mini dress, makes sense." He hummed to himself and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm leaving, okay? You're not stopping me. I should be the one asking why you're out here on the wall like a weirdo!" I threw my hands up in exasperation. This guy was impossible.

"I'm not trying to stop you" he stared down at me with amusement in his eyes.

"Wait what?" Not trying to stop me? What kind of game was he playing.

"You want to go out, okay. I'm coming with you. Or you can scurry back up the wall from which you fell." I knew by the way he said this there was no convincing him otherwise. I let out an 'ugh' and scaled the castle wall, ignoring his outreached hand.

He followed me silently through the path I had made from my countless nights before this. I quickly texted Victoria a heads up. Of course she was excited. Hot guy in the club with us. Great.

I began rattling off the rules to him. He wasn't allowed to stay by my side, I didn't even want to know he was there. He could be a creeper and watch from the distance, whatever.

"And I decide when we leave!" I made my final demand, he simply 'mhmd' the entire time.

I rolled my eyes as we got into the car, I was squeezed between him and Victoria. His body radiated a warmth I had never noticed. I tuned out Victoria gushing over him, let the flirting begin.

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