Chapter 2

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The Prince of hell


Arthfael, the underground prince. The only son of Aeneas Asmodeus and Alexander Acacius the current king of hell. He has grown up hearing stories about his father, from his past life to this life. How he was able to take back his kingdom from Demetrius. The King no one remembers or talks about because his reign was never worth a mention.

With everything he has heard Arthfael can complain about only one thing in his life, it is the fact that he is constantly compared to his father or expected to be like him. Everyone expected him to be just as strong and even if that is not far away from the truth Arthfael couldn't be more different from his father than he is.

All the similarities end with appearances, the rest he is so different from what everyone expects. His father the ruthless demon managed to get himself friends that he can rely on with his life. Friends that fought beside him in battle whereas Arthfael has a strong dislike for not only communication but also living creations.

That could be the reason why most demons keep their distance and that is also why he has no friends. However Arthfael can't complain, he would prefer his company any day.

The second thing is that he always looks angry at the world, it makes people consider him as tough as his father and that could have been right if his heart wasn't as soft as a feather. However no one knows about that, he would rather be considered tough than weak and soft.

The third thing and probably the worst thing is that he has a strong dislike for blood, well everyone thinks he has a strong dislike and by everyone, he means his close family. Only those close to him know about this, however, what he hides is that he just doesn't have a strong dislike for blood he has a fear of blood.

This is something he would prefer to take to his grave before exposing it to anyone. He knows he has hidden it very well from everyone because he didn't want to seem weak. He would prefer if he seems like a clean freak than a demon with a fear of something that he should be a huge fan of just like his father.

And like they say Aeneas has always had an eye for every detail. He always knows and with his keen eye, he found out that his son has a fear of blood. Arthfael at first felt uncomfortable when his father found out, he thought he will see him as weak but instead, he tried to help, and even if none of it worked at least he tried.

However, when Alexander found out they both decided to erase his brain and pretend the fear does not exist.

Alexander worries too much whereas Aeneas knows how to ignore the elephant in the room and Arthfael loved him for that. His fear was his to deal with plus Aeneas failed in all his attempts to cure him. Not even his magic could have taken away the fear Arthfael experiences every time he sees blood.

He doesn't take that as a weakness anymore, he has found a way to not see it even in the worst positions that Aeneas tends to throw him in. He knows how to handle it, it was a great thing Aeneas was so bad with communication because it meant it was rare he ever went into a deep conversation with Arthfael. It feels good to ignore and not talk about his fear.

They both tend to cover up what they can't control with empty threats and arguments that frustrate Alexander.

Alexander differs from the two, he likes to talk about every detail. He doesn't like to leave things as they are and that is why Arthfael never tells him anything because he hates talking plus his hatred for touch disconnects him further from his parents especially Alexander who likes hugs like no other.

Arthfael has his moods, when he wants to hug his father he does but most of the time he would rather go without anyone being in his space which connects him even more to Aeneas coz Aeneas would rather die than hug his son...unless he is teasing him and trying to make him uncomfortable, he is a professional at that.

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