Chapter 3

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"What are you?" Mr. Harvey asked while taking a seat outside the glass where Diego was locked. When he woke up he was in this glass box as big as a room with Mr. Harvey watching him. He didn't know how long he has been out but he feels extra weak.

His eyes scanned the entire glass room while pushing himself into a sitting position he asked "What is in this room?" the absence of panic in his eyes caused Mr. Harvey an uneasy feeling. he felt like he was the one locked up even if it was the other way around. He just expected that Diego will panic just like every other creature that has been in that room yet Diego seemed to be doing the opposite.

"Something to stop you from using your powers" Diego didn't even bother to try it out and see if he indeed can't use his powers. He was exhausted with empty-looking eyes gazing into space.

"I am guessing...I am not the first one in this room?" Diego sighed with a weak smile "I just know I am the only one not hating it" his eyes moved to Mr. Harvey's "It feels like death and I like death"


"If you were me you would understand"

"Make me understand" Diego gazed into Harvey's unmoving eyes. Curious for the unknown, tempted. Maybe the fact that the years were waving a flag scared him. He seemed like he was searching for a solution like he didn't follow mythology for the sake of ancient history but rather to find a way to bend it to his will.

"We are seeking two different things Mr. Harvey" Diego stood up and Harvey followed "You want life, I wish to end it. See how we can't understand each other"

"Indeed we can't, you have immortality I don't"

"You are a child of God, you age and die. That is a gift"

"It's a curse!"

"Immortality is a curse, not aging is a curse"

Mr. Harvey glanced up and down Diego "You don't age" the delicacy in his voice, like he would break the words if he said them hard enough.

"That is the real curse" Diego took in sharp and fast breaths as he slid down the glass wall taking a seat again. He felt like his heart might jump out and burst. His eyes mist with woefulness.

"You're Eirenaios" Diego has not heard that name in a long time. His real name, the name his parents gave him. It meant 'peaceful' yet he disgraced it. He never caused peacefulness. All he caused was chaos "I have read about you, I just didn't know you were this young" Diego closed his eyes and lightly banged his head on the glass with no intention to break it but to feel something.

To not have this strong feeling stuck in his chest, "I can help you" Diego stopped banging his head and turned towards Mr. Harvey.

"The only thing that can help me is finding the original book of Helios" Diego knows that if he doesn't find that book he will be doomed for life and his mate will reject him forever.


Sean held the back of his head in pain, after accidentally letting loose of his hold on the pole he landed on the stage head first. He felt like it had cracked open and the more it bled the more he believed his theory. He was helped off-stage by his co-workers and brought back to his changing room before everyone went back to their jobs. The show had to go on even if he has had an accident.

Sean heard footsteps outside and the heavier they became the more he knew they were coming into his room, it had to be none other than his boss who will not be appreciative of the accident. Not even two seconds pass before his boss stormed in and yelled "What was that? How can you be that clumsy? Do you know how much money you have just cost me right now"

"I will go back and finish...I just need" he took the cloth off the back of his head and it had a lot of blood. His eyes were seeing sparks, he was disoriented. He knew that no matter what, he couldn't go back on the stage with the way he was feeling "I will make it up"

"No, you won't coz you're fired" Sean knew it was long coming. He has been out of it and he didn't blame his boss, he took it as much. His day job on the other hand fired him within a week. He was just lucky to have held onto this one for so long, he knows that his other part-time job at a restaurant will also not last that long.

He has had so many jobs in the last four years that he could no longer count.

He looked at the roof and cursed at himself, why couldn't he get a grip on his life? Why couldn't he get rid of the dismal feeling?

It's been four years for goodness' sake. He should be over the stress, the halfness. The worrying, he should be fine by now and only think about feeding his sister instead of THAT world.

It was not his, it was never his, and ever since Diego appeared it was not what he was searching for yet his heart and head show him something else.

Like he is half.

He is missing something and lately, it has been getting worse. His brain can't focus and that was how he fell off the pole dance and landed on his head.

It's not like any of those people care anyway. Not like he cares about someone he shouldn't. He is trying to convince himself that he is better, that he doesn't want to care for that young man or whatever because to him he was a young boy.

Even if Sean has started to regret pushing him away, maybe that wasn't the best idea. Maybe they should have been friends as Alexander had suggested, maybe he could have helped him on his quest to search for the cure to his curse.

With each passing day Sean can't help but remember Diego's weak body on that bed, each day he regrets leaving and cutting them off like that even if he feels like it is what was best for him and his mental state. Being around Diego was not good for him.

But why was it getting worse now?

He pulled out his phone and called a number that was on his speed dial "Hello baby" Jushua his boyfriend called from the other side happy

'Why isn't he enough?' Sean asked himself. Joshua has brought nothing but care and loves into his life, he was everything he searched for in a man since he can remember yet something just seems to be missing so terribly.

"Hey, I kinda banged my head and got fired. Could you pick me up"

"Are you okay?"

"I will need you to take me to the hospital" he could feel he will need some stitches.

"I'm on my way, don't move" Sean wasn't planning to. He hang up while massaging his head and now that he has talked to Joshua he felt like whatever he was thinking about was not it. Joshua was his future.

What he has is enough, he just had to focus on finding a new job. One that doesn't involve him spinning around on a pole. Everything will be fine and in a year he will get married to Joshua, and Sabrina will become a woman who will go on to search for her path.

If Sean handled these past four years he can handle it for the rest of his life. People have dealt with worse, he knew he has dealt with worse to let something like this break him.

He was strong enough to withstand the death of his mother and the disappearance of his father. He was strong enough to get a job and a college scholarship. He has been strong enough to raise Sabrina, nothing can break him at this point, he's better than a world he doesn't understand. His life was on the best course, he's got this and he won't be letting anyone break it.

Helios: God of the sun  (book 2) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now