Chapter 20

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Arthfael got up in anger and was ready to strike Diego who raised his arms in surrender "It's me, it's me...Diego" He defended before the first hit struck. Arthfael stopped but only for a second before letting it land. He was not going to believe this kind of trick.

Diego was on the ground dead, this was the Aki that has ruined their ritual "Arthfael stop" Jun yelled, Arthfael turned toward him with a groan.

"You don't tell me what to do"

"Yes but you're hitting someone who isn't hitting back"

"Because he wants us to believe him" Arthfael held Diego up by the collar getting them face to face "I am not falling for this trick-"

"You have just tried to sacrifice me to break your mate's curse" Diego choked out. Arthfael didn't have a reason to believe but he let him go because of the mating part.

"I didn't know he was my mate" Arthfael spoke while glancing at Jun who glanced away and without looking back he walked out.

Arthfael followed.

Diego, got up and walked over to his still-bound mate "Sean" He lightly patted Sean's cheeks "Hey wake up" Sean opened his eyes, and as soon as he saw who was in front of him he screamed "No it's me, Diego"

"Get away from me, get away" Sean yelled completely freaked out and when he spotted Diego's body he cried "Diego wake up, Die-"

"It's me-"

"You killed him" Diego held Sean's cheeks and made him look him in the eye.

"It's me Diego" He repeated once again as he softly started undoing his binds one by one until he was free. Sean looked at him before getting on his feet and running over to Diego's body "Sean"

"Don't come anywhere near me you demon" Sean was protective of Diego's body. Holding his head in his chest as he pointed at Exton not allowing him to get any closer. He felt the bond break, he was scared to lose him when he has just only started to know him.

"Sean you have to believe me, I am Diego. Eirenaios, remember we got the book of Helios together" Sean hiccuped as he held Diego's body tighter

"If it's you then why is your body here?" Sean asked. He remembered the pain he felt when they pulled Diego's soul out. As soon as it was out he felt like he couldn't live and ended up passing out, something inside him broke.

Diego got closer once again and he looked at his previous body. It was a shell, like a vessel he used to live in but was now completely void of life "When the spell broke I had a chance to get back in my body but then I saw Exton's body right next to mine... I didn't want to be a child again so I took it instead"

"So what happens to him?"

"It is cursed, it won't die. We have to bury or burn it so that nothing enters it"

"It?" Sean questioned with tears "This is you, the real you this is your real body. Stop talking as if he was just a body you went through and then discarded after some time" Sean was getting emotional over this "I don't want him to die"

"But he is me"

"Yes, he is" Sean glanced at him while wiping his eyes "But why are you there? Why are you using someone else's body? How would you feel if someone was using your body? What you did was selfish"

"It was but in that body, I was stuck, I want to be with you"

"And you think changing bodies will make me want to be with you"

"You won't consider me a child-" Sean slapped him hard enough to get his head to turn to the side

"That child was my friend and was better than whatever you think of yourself right now"

"That is so unfair Sean" Diego pleaded "You have rejected me countless times because of that body, right now you can't be unfair to me for wanting to feel and look like a man" he took Sean's hand "You have to understand me, I lost hope. Arthfael and Jun lied to me, I almost died then I got a chance to turn my life around and finally feel like me inside and outside"

"Congratulations" Sean stood up and left. He was not going to be a part of whatever that is. Diego stayed glancing into space as tears fell from his eyes, he thought things might change if he changes the body he is into.

That his mate might value him more yet now it seems like he values him as lesser than he ever did.


Arthfael met up with Jun and took a seat next to him on the ground. A rare thing for him, he always finds a nice place but this time he just sat down because it was next to his mate who had pushed himself to the side so as not to get any contact with him.

"We are mates"

"That doesn't change anything"

"And why is that?" Arthfael questioned, this changed everything. Jun didn't bother to reply "Is it because I am not an angel"

"Because you're everything I wouldn't want my mate to be" Jun snapped before standing up and walking away.

Jun didn't know but Arthfael had been waiting for him forever. He was never keen on the mate thing because a bond sounded forceful. He wanted a slow love that was intoxicating and worth a wait. Finding out that Jun is his mate was a huge step for him, as much as he hates mate things he enjoys romance and he was hoping to start something with Jun.

Coz he felt it, even if the mate bond lasted just three seconds he felt it and felt like he wanted to pursue whatever that bond brought.

So Jun speaking like that was actually harmful but he wasn't willing to force what is not there. All he knows is that he can never look at Jun the same anymore.

When he said he wanted someone who understands he meant someone brave enough to not fear him. Someone who can understand when he is angry or vulnerable. Someone who won't make him feel like he has to act tough and be better than his father.

Someone who knows that he is far away from being like the man who birthed him. He was himself and starting something with Jun didn't sound so bad. He was willing to look at him as more than just a nagging larpon that grew up with him.

He has never seen himself with anyone but he always wishes to get the person who will understand and who else than the person who already knows enough about him.

Someone who isn't a stranger.


Jun got into his bed and tried to cry, he was so overwhelmed by everything. The spell almost broke, they almost killed Diego, kidnapping Sean, and him finding out that Arthfael was his mate. It was all just too much to handle for him, where does he go after this?

After everything they have done, how do they live with themselves and now...

Arthfael is his mate. It is not disappointing, he has always liked him in some way even if he knew it can never happen plus the fact that he can never feel his mate due to the curse, so he knew they could never work out no matter what.

He thought Arthfael belonged to another but now that he is supposed to belong to him he is terrified. It was unexpected. He has had a fantasy of them together but it being true scares him.

It makes him remember everything that would happen if they mate 'It's not like Arthfael would want to go that far anyway' but it still doesn't wipe away the worry he has.

He has grown up in the demon kingdom, having a demon mate means he belongs with the demons all his life. He can't be a larpon king and be mated with a demon, they already think demons stole him and this.

His father will never agree, he would want him to settle with someone of his kind.

A demon would have no place in his life, hell he would have no place in Arthfael's life.

Jun was so confused, how can something exciting feel this terrifying

Helios: God of the sun  (book 2) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now