Chapter 30

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"We are here," Diego said in a new tone that Sean has not been used to listening to. Ever since they started their drive into Akios. Diego has been extremely happy, Sean couldn't help but smile himself. Diego not thinking about what he has told him earlier was a relief, he hated making him feel like that even if he has to say it. To say how he feels. When he saw Diego's Aki soul he was in love, he could feel it deep down. When he speaks with him he feels something, he likes him a lot. He just doesn't feel like he connects with the body Diego is in... "Come on I need to show you something" he jumped out way before the car could fully park.

"Wait for me" Sean tried but Diego was already out "I am a new driver, thanks for your help" he grumbled as he struggled to park. He regretted ever suggesting switching with Diego in the first place. He should have stayed as a passenger, he couldn't help himself but laugh as he watched Diego run acting like an excited puppy.

After the long struggle of parking, he finally got out only to be yanked by the hand. He hadn't seen Diego come back to get him, a shocked yelp tore out of him until he saw who it was "Diego I haven't locked the..." He trailed off when it was clear Diego couldn't care less about what he was saying. He was dragged and he had to keep up, the biggest run of his life until they reached a river. He took in deep breaths as his eyes hit the water "A river"

"Let's get in" Diego walked in without taking off his clothes.

"I'm good" He glanced around, just emptiness. The soil beneath his legs was fertile yet grew nothing, the more he looked around the scarier it got that goosebumps grew on his skin.

"This is the path to get in"

"Through the river?" That snapped Sean back to the real world or this...Diego's world. The river seemed deep in some places and had to be difficult to swim through, they will be taken away. Drowning wasn't on his to-do list.

"Yes, trust me" Sean didn't want to yet he also didn't want to get his hands full with a sad Diego. He sighed and started taking off his shirt "With your clothes"

"I don't want to get my clothes wet"

"Trust me, Sean, you will be fine" Sean took a step in, the water was warm and it came with a good feeling. He took in more steps and it felt like a warmth of foam touching his skin.

"Whoa, does it have soap?" Diego dived and beckoned for him to follow. Sean followed with a giggle as they swam, the water touching his skin made him want to stay in it forever. It felt kind of like Diego somehow, in his vision or dream this was how Diego felt when he touched him. The memory made him close his eyes thinking about it again. He was mesmerized and captivated. He knew that if Diego was whole again he would be one lost puppy in love. As he opened his eyes again the place took him by shock. Diego's village, the city of Akios, the city of the sun children.

Sean noticed how the sun was somehow closer and not hurtful to look at. He stepped out of the water his eyes still on the place when he noticed that he was completely dry. He released a choked laugh while looking at his dry hands, he felt the sun hitting his skin yet it felt weird. It wasn't scorching hot but rather warm, like the morning sun on a chilly day. He was mesmerized

"That was the sun river, an illusion made by Lord Helios"

"An illusion, it felt real"

"He made it seem real so that his children could swim" Diego took his hand and brought him to the flower that was close by, white with really tiny petals "Touch it" Sean brought his finger onto it, and as soon as it touched the petal opened up as if sneezing and threw dust into his face.

Sean sputtered while waving at his face, he heard Diego laughing "You knew it was gonna do that" Sean sneezed

"Now look" When Sean glanced back at the flower it was beautiful. Its white petals made a star shape yet the sun made it warm and gold. It mimed a floating object as it moved in circles as if dancing.

"The star flower, it throws dust in your face so you don't see it get naked" naked? "That is it being naked, you can harm it in this position" Sean brought his finger down once again and touched it, the feeling was that of the river.

"Let me guess, an illusion"

"Lord Helios created all of these before he ever succeeded in creating us. They are illusions but they are real, we don't get stars in the sky but when we look down we can see them and touch them"

"It sounds beautiful, I want to see it"

"You will when night falls"

"At you get the moon?" Diego laughed a bit while shaking his head. He looked lighter and happier than ever.

"We do but it's a yellow moon"

"So it's the sun"

"You'll see" He replied as if it was a secret, Diego pushed his hands into his pocket and took in a deep breath. Warmness on his face, he looked and felt at home.

Sean found himself smiling wishing they could break the curse and take Diego back into his body. Make him full again, that was his wish. He wanted to be able to touch Diego without feeling like it was wrong. Right now he admits he is attractive but he is seeing Exton and he just can't shake that feeling off.

Sean took everything in, familiarizing himself with every bit of this city. Little green creatures passed by his feet making him skip as he chuckled.

They were so cute with big eyes, his eyes moved to other things and he noticed that no living human or Aki was anywhere to be seen...his eyes moved to Diego and he found him on his knees touching the soil. He squatted next to him in silence not understanding if it was a ritual so he went on his knees too and looked forward "This was where most of their bodies fell, I can still see them. Hear the screams...I can still see him slaughter them all"

Sean pulled him into a side hug, being in a place where the worst and great things happened the worst tend to overweigh the best "Should we leave?"

"No" Diego wiped his eyes as he got up once again handing his hand to Sean "I have not come home for so long because I always die inside, today no matter how much it hurts I have to accept it"

"Are you sure?"

"Let me show you my house" Like before they ran, Sean laughed lightly but caught up well until they got to the biggest house he has seen. If it is supposed to be called a house, this was a castle.

"This was your house?"

"The Palace, my house is up" They walked in and Sean got scared of the stairs "I used to just fly up so this is going to be a tough one for me too" Sean took in deep breaths and then started the course of the stairs.

Diego made it entertaining by explaining every room, corridor, hall, and painting that they passed. The portrait of all his ancestors from Leroy to his children and his children's children "And this is my mom, dad, and me" Sean looked at the picture of Diego and he was just like the one in his vision. Only this time not glowing, this was his human form. Sean bit his lip and admitted that indeed Diego was really beautiful.

"You're checking me out" Diego came into his vision leaning on the wall his eyes on Sean.

"I....yeah. I have never seen your true human form" Sean couldn't deny it "You look happy"

"Thank you" Diego felt uncomfortable, it was painful to see himself back then. All that is wrong now is because of who he was in the past. He knows Sean wouldn't have been in love with him if they met back then.

Helios: God of the sun  (book 2) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now