Chapter 49

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Darthaniel entered hell and caused even more chaos and havoc than it initially had. His slow-paced walk with a smile on his face made the demons step back in fear. They could smell him, a dark Aki was not a creature to mess with, and as soon as he sat on the throne no one raised a voice to protest.

"Aren't you all going to welcome your new king" One by one they fell onto their knees. Darthaniel smiled enjoying the authority he held, even if this was not initially his plan he felt like he was on top of the world. He understood why Demetrius wanted the throne to himself and why Aeneas would die protecting it.

Having power over one of the strongest creatures felt pleasing enough plus all the souls that he had in his possession.

The thought made him happy, he glanced at his now followers and thought 'This is not so bad'


As days passed, Jun was struggling with learning but he made sure to ace everything a hundred percent. He tried to be the best son and prince both his parents and people needed.

Most things were not for pretending, spending time with his people was one of the best moments he could ever dream of. Learning his culture and history made him happy even if he missed Arthfael more and more with each passing day.

He was trying to hold onto everything but his heart still yearned. He wished he could at least see him even if it was for a millisecond, or ask him how he is holding up. Whether anyone had given him trouble or not, Jun wanted to be by his mate's side to make sure he was doing well and help him become the best king but he couldn't.

He was stuck here trying to become the king of the Larpons. It gets tiring when he can't be with the people he wants to be with. He is still struggling to convince his father that marriage shouldn't be an important factor in him being a king but he is not being listened to.

It makes him want to break the good boy character and just run back into Arthfael's arms.


When Diego went back to the Phoenix castle, he told nothing of what he had heard from Moonlight El Sean. He didn't want to worry him over anything. Sean had been catching up with all the sleep he missed in the last few months and he had slept more than sixteen hours constantly while snoring.

Diego found the action cute and watching his mate sleep peacefully made the hours go by quickly. He waited patiently with his mind trying to organize, trying to find out what exactly went on between Lord Helios and Lord Alios.

It was still such a mystery but he used his time to find out more.


Arthfael couldn't count how many days he had spent in the blood-filled box. The bright lights stayed on from morning to evening and it got confusing which time of the day it was...not like he has organized his thoughts well enough to think about days.

He fainted, fainted, and fainted that now he can no longer do that anymore. He felt paralyzed in the blood, his body was still in a state of fear, still trembling and trying to fight to get out yet the more he tried the more he couldn't breathe.

Not even thinking about his sessions could help, he was trapped in one of the things he was afraid of. He wanted to die, he felt sick about lying in blood and his vomit.

He knows how he looks, not like the son of the most powerful demons but rather a weak demon that couldn't fight the fear and get up.

The creaking of the door came, Arthfael couldn't move to see but the figure took a seat in front of him "I came in late but I knew you could wait" Darthaniel rubbed it in his face "I was busy changing my new kingdom and now I am ready to announce my inauguration to everyone and I was thinking about taking your mate"

Arthfael lifted himself onto his elbow, and as hard as it was, he succeeded and he tried to break the glass with his weak fists "Open it" Darthaniel ordered. The cover on top was taken off, Arthfael tried to use his magic but nothing happened.

On top of that, he could not feel any energy flow in his body plus the extreme hunger he felt. He is a demon who could go long without food and not feel a thing yet right now he felt like his insides were eating themselves out. 'How long has he been in here?' His eyes glanced at Darthaniel with fearful eyes, wondering what was done to him exactly.

Darthaniel stood up and walked closer to the now-opened box "You had a gift" Darthaniel opened up his arm and fire floated on top of his palm "Your will was weak now I have it" Darthaniel sighed as he looked straight into Arthfael's eyes wondering what Aeneas could have done to his son.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't extract any magic from Arthfael. All he could do was block it, what Arthfael didn't know was that he was strong, he might even be stronger than his father if only he knew how to use his gift.

Darthaniel had underestimated him before but now he needed to exterminate him right away or he will become more than he had anticipated if he stayed alive.

Something inside him bubbled anger throughout his body, why would a demon like him be gifted with enough powers to defeat the world? Why trust a demon like him with such a gift, as much as he wanted him dead he wanted him to suffer just as revenge on Aeneas.

Darthaniel held the back of Arthfael's head as a claw pushed through his thumb. He brought it closer to Arthfael's eyeball and pulled it out then did the same with the other successfully plucking out both Arthfael's eyeballs.

Darthaniel stepped back and watched as blood poured out of Arthfael's eyes, his screams of pain filled his chest with enough power. Now he didn't want just revenge, he wanted to conquer. He wanted to be the strongest creature to ever be created and show the world how useless demons are.

"Get him out" his demons pulled the passed-out Arthfael from the box "Take him into the forest, when he wakes up we hunt" As they pulled Arthfael out a presence appeared behind Darthaniel.

He turned around to find Lord Alios "Why not kill him?" Darthaniel glanced at Arthfael who was being dragged out.

"I like to make the strong feel weak first before killing them. It makes me feel powerful" Lord Alios glanced at Arthfael for a second before glancing back at Darthaniel deciding to let it go, it was not what brought him "Do you have some news"

"Goddess of Phoenix is harboring them"

"Is she planning on performing the reincarnation ceremony?"

"That is what I believe, why else would she keep them? Now that you have gotten an army I want you to go kill them"

Darthaniel scoffed "You think I am stupid" Who would attack like that "I am almost done with my part, what have you done? I am taking care of everything down here, it's time you get up and deal with them up there" Darthaniel got yanked up and into the wall.

"Don't talk to me like that ever again, we are not friends" Lord Alios hissed but Darthaniel hissed right back.

"No we are not and let me tell you something, Diego is immune to your powers. Guess your brother wanted to hinder you from messing with any of his creatures again"

Lord Alios lifted him and made him dangle with a tight grip around his neck "I didn't say I won't kill them" Darthaniel choked out, this made Lord Alios let go of his neck throwing him down "Just...get them down. I will take care of the rest"

Without a word Lord Alios disappeared, and Darthaniel remained with a sour face waiting for the day he would rid himself of that god because soon he would be stronger than hell and heavens combined and then cause chaos stronger than his father was ever able to do.

His head snapped towards the door where Arthfael had been taking.

"Time to hunt"

Helios: God of the sun  (book 2) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now