Chapter 45

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A loud cry consumed hell and all the walls wailed. Arthfael stood up curiously, he left his father's office with Jun in tow. They walked through the halls of hell with other demons also hearing the wails.

He met up with Elvis who was also following the wails, they ended up in his father's room. Arthfael's heart stopped and he pushed the door as quickly as possible to find his papa on the ground crying out loud with a hand on his chest.

"Papa" Arthfael approached holding his shoulders "Papa, what is wrong?" Alexander screamed as he tried to tear his chest out. Arthfael held his hand stopping him from hurting himself as he glanced at Elvis.

Elvis tripped back with fear in his eyes "No, no" He shook his head. Alexander cried out while fighting his son trying to hurt himself again "No" Elvis growled.

"What?" Arthfael felt it deep inside, something bad. It was something so bad "What happened?" Edward ran in after hearing the wails, his eyes were on Alexander and then on his mate.

"No" He shook his head catching up on what happened quicker than Arthfael. Cries from another room caught their attention as well, every demon was crying and this proved Arthfael's suspicion that he was not willing to believe "This can't be" Edward spoke while shaking his head no.

Jun was still in the dark even if he felt like something big had happened. He just didn't know what it was but it was big enough to get Elvis, Edward, Alexander, and the entire underground crying "It can't be" Arthfael shook his head "It can't be" hell shook like thunder causing them all to look up except Alexander who was still wailing nonstop.

"What was that?" Elvis got up and ran through the door with Elvis.

"Jun, stay with him" Arthfael followed running after Elvis. Elvis suddenly stopped between the hallways as a package appeared. He knelt pulling the lid off.

"Stay back" Elvis ordered but Arthfael had already reached and his eyes caught sight of his father's head in a box. He held onto the wall unable to function. His legs buckled under him, his hands trembling. He was having a hard time breathing as he slid down.

Both Alexander and Edward appeared behind them with Jun in tow. Elvis got up with a growl and without looking at anyone he created a portal, Edward tried calling for him but he was already gone. Edward glanced at the demons "I need soldiers to follow Elvis right now...Will, David, Samantha can you hear me...Elvis needs you right now..." His voice faded out the more he spoke while disappearing behind the walls of hell.

"Arthfael" Jun called, Arthfael was breathing weirdly "Arthfael" he was unresponsive, just shivering with short breaths. Arthfael held his hand squeezing it hard as if it was the only thing that was keeping him alive right before his eyes closed.

Jun glanced around for help but everyone was in a mess, Alexander was crying over his mate. Elvis and Edward with some soldiers have all gone out.

Jun held onto Arthfael with nothing else to do but watch as hell went into chaos.


Sean was preparing for his reincarnation ritual when the goddess walked in with a sad face "I have no idea if this will be good news or bad news for you" Sean gave her his full attention as he stopped what he was doing "Aeneas is dead and your mate killed him"


"Now you know what that means?" Sean shook his head no "All hell will be on your mate's tail"

"I know but how is Alexander" Sean couldn't help but wonder, everything aside. Even the hate he had developed for Aeneas aside, he was Alexander's mate and he knew that this kind of news would affect him more than anyone.

"I think it is time you worry more about you-"

"That is what is wrong with this world. You all care about yourselves that you don't care who you hurt as long as you get what you need"

"But isn't that in every world" She retaliated "Everyone is selfish, even gods and goddesses" She stepped closer again and fixed his shirt "Isn't that what you will do when told to choose between your mate and your friend? Would you take revenge for your friend or stand beside your mate"

"We all know the person who caused him to commit such an act"

"All I'm saying, is we are all a little selfish" She exhaled "And now I think you should get ready for the ceremony, you will need all the strength for the next part"


"They are all going crazy, they have no king" Darthaniel enjoyed the thought of hell being in chaos without a leader.

His father had once tried to gun for the throne but it has never been Darthaniel's aim. All he wanted was for it to get a new king, someone who wasn't Aeneas. Because of Aeneas his father was killed and because of Aeneas Arthfael killed his mother. This was part of the revenge and the next part was soon to come.

Or he might change his mind and decide to take over the empty throne. Who would dare challenge him, he is much of a demon like them. A dark Aki.

For now, his focus was on Diego, he needed to prepare him for the next part to make Lord Helios weak right before his reincarnation to kill Diego.

Everyone in hell wanted revenge, the killer was in his hands. Maybe he should hand him over to them and watch as the last white Aki takes his last breath.

A fun sight but not the card that should be played right now.

He walked back to the chained Diego, his hand tracing his jaw before lifting his head to look up at him "What to do with you?" he exhaled while squatting down "You're the killer, you deserve a severe punishment. Something to embarrass the white Aki clan. The great-great-grandson of the great Leroy..." the more he thought about the blood that was flowing inside Diego's veins the angrier he got.

His hand moved to his forehead tapping inside the deep memories of the white Aki. He gasped his eyes shooting open when he got blocked, Diego's eyes were already staring at him with fury as the chains broke.

Darthaniel was pushed into the wall with the force from Diego's hands "How?" Darthaniel choked out with blood pouring from his mouth.

Diego lifted him from the ground pulling him close "I'm a white Aki, I can turn dark magic pure" he held one of his ribs before pulling it out with magic. He heard the crack as the bone start tearing through the fresh.

Darthaniel used dark magic to blind him and that sent him back for a second, that second was enough for Darthaniel to disappear.

Diego glanced around thinking about following but had zero traces of him. Darthaniel had completely disappeared. He cursed while breathing hard, he had wanted to kill Darthaniel ever since he heard about the dark Aki.

And after all the suffering the Aki has put him through, messing with his head. Diego remembers every single thing that he has gone through, every single thing Sean had to go through because of him.

He was going to make sure one day he held Darthaniel's heart in his hands but first, he had to find his mate.

Helios: God of the sun  (book 2) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now