2. Virgin Mocktail

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"That is the one

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"That is the one." Sherry nods when I turn around.

I have picked out a purple dress that goes barely past my butt, so no bending over for sure. The neckline isn't low at all and keeps the girls up top a mystery underneath, even though I am decently sized. As for the rest of the material it clings to my body, how it makes me wish I had more hips but I am thankful there is some curve to my hips to where I am not straight down thin with boobs and a butt.

"Thanks. Now do you want to go red or black?" I hold up two dresses for her.

It helps we are in the same size, but we don't share lace or under garments. Oh goodness no thanks, she has her own drawer in my dresser for those items of hers that she kept here through the years. Something we just done I got a drawer at her house too but we tend to stay here at my house since my Aunt is always working we got more privacy.

"Red." Sherry smirks.

"Oh someone getting fiesty tonight." I laugh.

Sherry has had a boyfriend for a good while now and he is all she sees. I think it is great for her to find someone for her. They seem like the books say in love because when together they are unbreakable. I swear.

That is okay though too because where we are going tonight once Sherry's boyfriend, Levo, gets there I can go walking around. This time of year in the summer is so nice outside at night it is the right temp and the moon is always so easy to see in the summer months. So I may just go for a walk and end up on a rooftop to get a good view of the moon before leaving for the city a couple states over tomorrow evening.

To me it seems a little strange though Sherry and I went to school with Levo but they had never talked until two months before we all graduated. I have noticed that about several people in town sometimes do that but who am I to question love or relationships. People just have to do what makes them happy really.

Sherry and I share the overly large bathroom mirror and sink space as we get all the makeup on. Normally I don't go with much but I do enjoy a little eye products. Helps to make my eyes pop and also if I hadn't slept well it is a way to hide the tired underbags.

After another ten minutes we are back at my closet in search of shoes.

"Oh can you hand me those?" Sherry points to my left for the black pair of heels.

I hand them to her and then pick out a silver pair of heels for myself.

"What are you going to do? You have nothing packed for your flight tomorrow at all." Sherry looks over to me while putting the shoes on.

I shrug. "I am going to wing it."

"Nah, I plan to pack tomorrow and there won't be much going with me really. I know that I get an entire section of this apartment I will be sharing with the other female apprentice."

"That is nice." Sherry smiles.

"Don't you worry, nothing can ever come close to our friendship." I open my arms and Sherry pulls me into a tight hug.

"I wasn't even jealous of that and just hope you can make some friends there too ya know." Sherry gets dramatic making my laugh.

"I will try." I smile.

I have other friends other than just Sherry but I don't like all the gossip that comes with large friend groups. Which is why Sherry and I get along because we can get along with anyone but are the same in many ways too with tastes and all.

We pull back from the hug and smile.

"So where it is we are going?" I look to Sherry.

All the clubs and bars in town will let anyone the age of eighteen in but there were also a good portion we knew and snuck into knowing the workers and stuff. So I have been to some before but I don't find the appeal in all the alcohol personally. Sherry likes some of the fruity stuff but if I had to choose something then I want the ones that leave a slight sting when drank. All because it reminds me of like spicy foods that burn but the flavor never stays around long and I don't like feeling dizzy either, which to many of those drinks definitely cause.

"One that we hadn't been able to get inside of yet since you are finally eighteen today." Sherry smiles.

She is just a couple months older than I am but wouldn't go until I could. It is sweet and fun at the same time.

"Lead the way." I smile and wrap our arms together.

Once in my car, Sherry points out the way she wants us to go. We decided it is best I drive since we both know she will be going with Levo once he arrives.

I park the car and Sherry walks next to me as we show the guy at the door our ID's  before he lets us go further into the bar type of club. There is an upstairs area that is hidden by large glass windows and couches that line the glass from what it looks like for people to be sitting there and I can make out a head.

The bottom level where the bar is. It's nice and very clean. Not like some of the bars we had been to that had nuts and booze all over the floor. This is a place I could really get used to. The music isn't overly loud either which is nice but no doubt is louder by the dance floor off the the far side. Now this is a larger place than what I thought by looking at it from the outside.

"Do you want a drink?" Sherry looks to me.

"Sure if it is a coffee or soda product." I laugh.

"But Fayla it is your last night here and your birthday! You don't want a little something?" Sherry teases.

I shake my head. "Nope."

Sherry laughs but we go order our drinks. I settled for a virgin mocktail to be different and not stick out, but I am not having a headache tomorrow while packing and leaving out.

Sherry and I are talking about random things we hope to accomplish in our very near futures. She seems to have some great ideas for the family business to sell more food products and got the approval from her Mom that still owns it for now. As where I just want to be able to fly and learn as much and as fast as I can.

All of a sudden the hair on the back of my neck stands up as goosebumps rush to pop up over my skin. Not understanding the feeling that even has my heart racing, I turn around to find the hottest guy on the planet staring at me.

Never in my life have I thought a man was this freaking smoking but hot damn do I now. It even makes my panties dampen by the sight of this guy. Who is now walking this way with Levo.

Why is this stud walking over this way with Levo?

I may just pass out. Am I sure this is actually a virgin mocktail?

 Am I sure this is actually a virgin mocktail?

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