14. Flowers

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One year later

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One year later.....

It is hard to think that it has been a full year since Seth and I got away from my ex. We have been living peacefully and happily. There is a routine we would go out to the woods for him to shift, but has became a thing of every afternoon honestly not that I am complaining just the cold days makes it a little rough for me. Nothing beats seeing how they played in the snow and was so very happy. Everyday is still a learning experience but it doesn't feel as mind blowing after a year, it is now just a normal thing for Seth and I.

I can happily say that I have not got into another relationship nor am I looking for one. Besides, I have found the other ways to please myself should the need become to much, so at least that itch is scratched even if I don't get the human contact. There is still times I want that human touch but my mind will always drag me back to Seth's father. Every time making my chest ache just as it has all these years later.

Seth just celebrated his tenth birthday and it is hard to believe that ten years has passed by. Seth has took a very large growth spurt in the last year and honestly it seems to be something to do with his wolf Fido. The only thing is he is not having to shave yet, but it has to be coming soon. Seth stands a little taller than my 5'4 height and this kid is not skinny but actually has muscle definition there even though I have never seen him work out.

He is still my same Seth with behavior though and things he prefers to doing. When we are home he enjoys reading and helping around the apartment while tending to his school work during the day. The only major difference is when we go out to town he seems to be alert all the time much like I tend to be just getting groceries or running errands.

The one thing I have to watch since my son never thought to tell me about is things that is enhanced on him. For example his hearing is ten times better than mine. Then don't even get me on how he can smell! Talk about embrassing when he thought I was hurt bleeding horrible when I had a menstrual cycle after he shifted the first time.

So not to much has happened in the last year and I have been grateful for it. It has been Seth and I just getting back to our lives and the new changes that, once let it be without questions, feels natural.

We had just got back from spending the weekend with Auntie. Seth had a little struggle with Fido not being able to shift while there but it was thankfully only two days long. Auntie would not let us out of her sight for a bit to go walking around and he understands I don't want others to know about him like that.

Today though Sherry is coming in to the city. It is only for the night or two with Levo but they will have a hotel since our apartment is so small they didn't want to intrude. Which does make it easy for Seth and I to still make sure he can shift like he has been used to doing. Seth and I both are so happy for being able to see them since she was busy when we were in town seeing Auntie.

"What time is Aunt Sherry going to be here?" Seth rounds the corner from the hall where I sit in the living room.

"In about three hours." I look to the clock.

"Could we go to the woods now for two hours or so then I can shower before we meet them for dinner?" Seth glances out the window.

"Of course, I should have thought of that." I shake my head and get my shoes on.

"I just know it is harder for you when it is dark at night." Seth grimaces.

It is true when dark I have to have a flashlight but Seth doesn't thanks to Fido, another enhanced ability. He needs to be able to run though after not being able to for a couple nights this week. I don't want to take away from him and it seems to make him fidget more when there are times they can't shift. At least now Seth isn't tired after shifting and running for a while. Even Fido's form has grown and a little larger than the size of a normal wolf.

I get the apartment keys and Seth walks out first waiting on me while I lock up. Just like he has from the first time he shifted after the awful event that seem to set all this off he has that bounce in his step with a smile. It can be seen how much happiness comes when we come out and I have to admit there is a very peaceful feeling about being out here and seeing him so happy. Yes, we even still play fetch.

Seth now at least stands behind a tree or large bush then lays his clothes on the limbs before shifting instead of just stripping down with his back to me. Every time after he shifts he will nuzzle his head in my hand before taking off to run some while still staying in sight. It is a habit but he is still my child and only ten years old even though I know I will have to start letting him venture too just a little not being in my line of sight all the time.

"Okay boys! Two hours is up." I gently call out to Seth and Fido since I don't know who is actually in control currently.

They run up to me and I see it is like that equal color eyes saying they are both in control. I smile and barely bend down now to kiss the top of their head then move the leaves from the bushes off their fur.

They take off again and when they come back there is an assortment of flowers on their mouth.

"They are lovely my sweet boys." I smile and smell them once I gather them in my hands. It is something they had started doing once the flowers were in bloom.

Seth trots over to his tree and shifts. He walks up to me while he finishes pulling his shirt down. "Two hours really passes so fast."

"It does when you're having fun." We walk to the apartment.

"I think Fido is spoiled." Seth mutters.

I burst out laughing. "Both my boys are." I tease looking at Seth as I unlock the door.

"I guess that is true, Mama. You never tell me no when I ask for a new book." Seth smirks.

I place the new small handful of flowers in with the large vase by the door. All flowers Seth and Fido brought me from bushes in the woods. So easily since many people threw old plants back there and they took root making many bushes in the woods.

"I was the same way your age though and books are wonderful." I shake my head with a laugh. "Okay, you get a shower and I will be in my room getting ready too."

"No perfume though right Mama?" Seth grimaces.

I shake my head. "No the one that was strong and you kept sneezing got thrown out."

"I am sorry." Seth sighs.

"Don't be sweetheart. I found this fruit one and it is so much better but it's not perfume just a lotion I put on."

"That one does smell really good." Seth smiles with me.

I push his shoulder to the hall. "Go shower you my sweet boy smell." I scrunch my nose, which earns a hearty laugh from Seth.

I take my tennis shoes for the woods off and then get a drink of water before walking to my bedroom, hearing the  shower running as I passed the closed door. Excitement bubbling in me being able to see Sherry again since it has been a year and a half since we last got to see her.

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