12. Time Passes

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A full week has passed since that fateful night that changed everything in my life within just an hours time

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A full week has passed since that fateful night that changed everything in my life within just an hours time. Sometimes it is still hard for my mind to wrap around that fact that my son changed into a wolf.

There is a huge part of me that wants to think maybe I should talk to Sherry and maybe find something out about Seth's father. However, that doesn't feel right and makes pain come wrecking havoc in my chest with thoughts of him after so many years.

I would probably just be laughed at and thrown into a loony bin. I couldn't talk to Sherry about this at all, there is no one that I could. If I even tried to talk to Sherry and ask questions about him then she will know who Seth's father acutally is, which is not something I want either. I know her and Levo still talk to him because there is times she will let it slip that Levo is with him, which does nothing with the pain that I still hold for just stupid words he had said with me.

Seth is doing well with schooling and seems happier with us being on this side of town. I had got his transcripts faxed to me to help hide where we went from Frank should he try to search for us, but he should know why we left since he could remember most of what he done after he wake up from being drunk.

I had went to enroll Seth in the school close by but he begged to be homeschooled instead when we were at the school board. Apparently most of the classes were over full as well and when the lady heard that he wanted to be homeschooled she was more than happy to enroll him on the online program that the school offers. So he gets to do everything here at our apartment during normal school hours. So in the living room, he has his very own little desk with his school things and then I have my side where I work at the same time.

"Hey sweetheart. What are you wanting for dinner?" I stand up from my desk and cross the living room to see Seth working on math work.

"I don't mind." Seth looks up to me.

"Just as long as it is meat right?" I smile and kiss the top of his head.

"Yes please." Seth nods.

I have always known that my son loves his protein every sense he could eat solids, but since he had that shift it has been tenfold.

"Are you going to eat the vegetables?" I look to him.

"I had them last night though." Seth sighs.

I can't help but laugh.

"You're supposed to have a serving every day, sweetheart." I shake my head.

"Can we make a deal?" Seth looks to me now and I swear he also seems to have aged before my eyes after the shift no longer is he just a skinny, short boy but he literally has grown to look more like a young teen instead of nine years old.

"Depends. What are you thinking?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What if for lunch that you're fixing to make I eat some then and tonight I can skip it. I won't even fight you this time." Seth gives me a pleading look.

How can I tell my son no with literally that sad pouty puppy dog face? I can't plain and simple. Maybe I should find a different expression since my son did shift into a wolf.

Seth is a clever boy.

"Well played." I shake my head at him as he raises his fist into the air.

I walk to the kitchen counter and start a vegetable salad for lunch with some left overs from last night. I have a thirty minute break but I enjoy just making things for us and if I don't finish eating I do it in between when I can. After it is ready, Seth moves to the small kitchen table I had bought for us and I join him while trying not to laugh with every face he makes at the taste of the food.

"I did add some bacon crumbled up in it." I smile.

Seth nods. "It is okay with it just wish it was more. Fido keeps huffing at me for this too."

I watch him eat some more while my reply is stuck on my tongue. Over the last week, I take Seth serious when he talks about Fido because I know now he is no imaginary friend but that they can actually talk in his mind.

Time passes us by and Seth has finished his school work for the day, while I have clocked out from work. Dinner is almost finished, I just have to plate up our chicken and rice but like I know Seth wants I make sure he has more chicken than rice.

Just as we finish cleaning the dishes together that he has wanted to do, Seth turns to me.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I lay the dish towel down after drying my hands. He normally likes to get a book and sit on the couch right after we finish cleaning, while I get us some cold water and find a show on television to watch. Still we watch things together depending on the week day for what is on if we don't just pick a show we already seen before.

"Could we maybe go out to the woods behind the apartments or the playground woods?" Seth fidgets in his spot.

My head seems to tilt while watching him.

"Fido is wanting out I think. It feels like we need to run and he won't stop asking." Seth grimaces some.

I slowly nod, because right now he has to listen to his body since I have no clue on any of this part of anything. Sure I have read some books but I know the full moon thing is a myth obviously and my son hadn't been bitten by a dog like creature that I know of unless he just never told me.

"Sure, it will be dusk out soon so we still have time without me needing a flashlight." I slip on my shoes and while Seth doesn't even seem to bother.

"Thank you Mama." Seth sighs as we step outside our apartment.

I lock up the door and turn to him as he bounces in his spot.

"Let's just go hiking out back here?" I ask to make sure it is really okay or if he wants to go to the park, but it seems right to code what will be, maybe, happening.

"Please." Seth nods. "I can't wait. He seems impatient." He whispers.

I follow Seth as he rounds where we have a split between buildings. We walk straight for the forest together. Seth seems to get happier every second, as where my heart seems to be beating so fast it may jump out with what I might see happen.

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