49. Thoughts Race

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Ixchel is right at the front with me as we face the rogue that dares threatening our family

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Ixchel is right at the front with me as we face the rogue that dares threatening our family. Fayla's screams will forever haunt me as I fought with getting air back in my lungs from the force of the hit that door caused, trying to get up without stumbling from where it smacked my head as well. Everything happened in less than a minutes time, telling me this is all calculated out and well planned.

Wolfsbane is the ground dust he keeps having blown from his gloved hand. With the blow he just done, I can feel its effects trying to take over but this is why I have been trained to tolerant it to point but it doesn't mean it doesn't affect me.

My blood boils as the rogue looks right at Fayla and calls her by name. The way her posture and the feeling of fear through the bond with her fuel me to do the best I can. It doesn't escape my notice that Seth is knocked out from the wolfsbane and it just fuels me further.

With the rogues attention on my mate, makes him flat out stupid to not pay attention to me. He must have thought the wolfsbane would knock me out as well with his carelessness which just gives me an opening to punch him once.

It makes me almost whine with Ixchel as we huff that the moron could be took down with one solid hit. Out cold on our floor.

The warriors I linked came running up just a second later.

"Take this scum to the prisons immediately. I want him in silver shackles and a collar around his neck." I order and the warriors nod and pick up the rogue dragging him off to the cells.

I turn and kneel down next to Seth's wolf form. Fayla is trembling with tears running down her face.

"What the hell!" Valin and Levo come running up and with me on alert, I spin ready to pounce after the attack that just happened.

Valin picks Seth's wolf form up and gets out the front door. Fayla tries to walk but she keeps stumbling with how she is still shaking.

"What is wrong with Seth?" Her voice barely gets out through the choked sobs.

"He was doused with wolfsbane dust." I answer so that Valin and Levo know too.

"Why didn't it knock you out?" Fayla doesn't even look at me but Levo helps her walk behind Valin's form to the hosptial area.

"I been trained at a young age to with stand so much of it to a point." I answer.

Once inside the hospital several doctors swarm Seth and Fayla stays right by him while her eyes dart to me constantly. I sat in the chair the male doctor pushed me into, he works on the gash on my head then adds the IV of basic fluids to flush out any wolfsbane I inhaled while the other doctor has done the same to Seth. I listen as the doctor tells Fayla that Seth will shift back into human form soon once he wakes first.

Levo and Valin sit outside the room wanting to be close incase Seth's wolf is in defense mode when waking up. I should be able to handle him but something with a wolf his size already and training it is best to have another person or two.

"Fayla?" I call her name as she stands by Seth's wolf on the bed. She sobs have calmed some but the tears and shakes have not.

Her head jerks to me and she seems to cry harder. With a small breath I stand from the chair and can tell my strength is coming back easily with the little fluid that has already got in my system cutting the wolfsbane down even more.

"Are you okay?" Fayla mumbles as I wrap my arms around her. Her head laying on my chest and wetting my shirt with her tears.

"I am just fine. Are you okay?" I whisper and bend my head down to look into her eyes more.

Fayla shakes her head. "I am so glad Seth and you aren't hurt more than what happened. It is just I never thought I see him again."

"You know the rogue?" I ask her gently.

She nods and her body shakes a little harder. "Frank." I barely catch her whisper.

Her abuser. Now her reaction makes even more sense along with her feelings through the bond.

My hand runs up and down her back as I kiss her gently. Once I pull back from the kiss she rests her head on my chest again, as her fingers move to hover over the IV placed in my arm.

Thoughts race through my mind and Ixchel seems to be reading them too. He is overly quiet as we think on the news we just gotten with this rogue is the abuser my mate had not very long ago.

How did the rogue know where we lived? How could he get in through my pack so easily and undetected by even the first patrol warrior.

One thing I know is there is not a soul in my pack by the name of Frank so it is not like he had been here waiting to be transfered in as a member. It also helps I know I have never seen his face around before.

First thing I will need to do is go through and speak with patrol warriors. I must find out how he got into the pack and here long enough to know the basics of which house was ours.

Next, it will be fun to torture this prick. Give him back some of the medicine he caused to my mate.

Could he be here for revenge but why wait until now? So he must have known from that moment when Seth turned, it only reason those events happened was either because this asshole is a great actor or else the shock of it all.

To much is running through my mind but I know one thing. I must protect my mate and adopted son.

"There is something else you should know about." Fayla whispers.

"What is that Darling?" I look at her close as nerves feed through the bond all of a sudden as I move to focus back on the here and now.

"I am pregnant."

I can feel as my body goes numb. Then everything goes black as I feel my body go slack.

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