27. Lance

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I follow Auntie and Seth is right by me

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I follow Auntie and Seth is right by me. My son is so close all I have to do is stick my finger out and I will touch him, but his posture isn't tense but relaxed as well. If Seth wasn't comfortable I have no doubt he wouldn't mind voicing his opinion in the least.

Auntie has quickly sat a extra plate out and we all sit back down. We all plate our food and it is silent.

"So you're an Alpha?" Seth doesn't hestiate to break the tension either.

"Yes." The Alpha smiles when he seems to snap out of his thoughts.

"You don't look old at all with how Great Auntie Vi was talking about you." Seth seems to study the Alpha slightly but I can't tell if he is only wanting to learn or being protective.

The Alpha laughs and it is almost like a deep melody. Something I have not ever heard before but find myself for once enjoying something of the male gender once more.

"No, I am not that old in my early thirties." The Alpha smiles to Seth.

It seems to odd since I have had such a horrible past when it comes to men. I shake it off interally and push my food around some.

"How are you adjusting being back Fayla?" The Alpha looks to me.

"Just well and happily for the most part. I love being back home." I reply in honesty.

The longer I look at him the more he seems familiar like I seen him around the school when I was in grade school still. He is a couple years older than me like Valin if I remember right. Still doesn't explain why I feel something or at least think I might when all I have felt is normally the pain from Valin still and the last two relationships I thought they were nice but couldn't get myself to feel as I have with just staring at the Alpha when first seen him. So maybe I didn't lose all parts of being what is normal for us women too by looking.

"How long has it been with you shifting?" The Alpha looks back to Seth.

"You heard about that Alpha?" I ask the Alpha since I don't know his name but guess it is best to be formal even though I, myself, am not a werewolf.

"Yes, I was actually there speaking with Levo about some training he tends to with the warriors. I am sure your Aunt has started filling you in? Any matter, I had walked up when Valin went to Sherry thinking she had known and figured that Vi would have started be open knowing your son is also shifter." The Alpha answers no issue.

"She has been explaining to us how things work since I have found out she too is a werewolf, as was my mother." I nod.

"I am so sorry for your parents loss. It was one that hit the pack very hard from what my parents told me." The Alpha smiles kindly and seems like he means it.

"I have been able to let Fido out now for a little over a year." Seth speaks up to answer the question previously asked.

The Alpha nods. "What brought on such a forced shift?"

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