59. Name

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"What is her name?" Seth asking talking for the first time after passing out

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"What is her name?" Seth asking talking for the first time after passing out.

I couldn't help but laugh to find out not only Valin passed out but my son had as well and they weren't even watching anything. These big tough men and couldn't handle even hearing it happen. I could understand my son if he couldn't handle maybe hearing the pain in my actions because it was so hard to be that quiet through the pain and the ring of fire totally a thing.

Never in my life did I think I would give birth without medication. No, I was set to have medications with the birth of my little girl but she would not wait until we were on pack lands in the hospital.

"Any ideas Lance?" I ask my mate as I am sure he has names in his mind.

Lance is quiet as he drives.

"I don't think any of the names I have thought of would be fitting for her." He chuckles lightly after a few minutes. "What about you Darling?"

I tilt my head and look at her little face as I have on the light the other side of us to where it wasn't complete darkness in the SUV.

"What about Callie?" I think out loud.

"I like that." Lance nods and I can tell he is smiling from the movment of his ears.

"Me too." Seth looks back to us again.

"Count me as three if it counts." Valin speaks up and I turn my head to see him sit up finally.

"Nice to see you back awake. Take a good nap?" I tease with sass in my tone.

"It was an unwilling took nap." Valin mutters.

"We both did. Guess that makes us pansies." Seth sighs.

"Nah, kid you are safe since you heard your Ma in pain. As for Valin." Lance snickers. "Yeah he is a pansy."

"Not even going to fight it either." Valin mumbles again making us all laugh.

It seems to startle Callie as she jumps a little in my arms and her face scrunches up. I coo her and rock her lightly. It all feels weird since she is still attached by the cord, since the Tracker didn't have anything clean or sharp enough to tie and cut the cord.

Lance is driving more like an old man. So the drive is feeling even longer than before. He is being careful though so I am not fussing at him for it.

So many things pass in a blur and when we make it back to the pack house. Callie goes through her first feed and I am allowed to be in our own home with her and my family since we both checked out fine by the doctor. Lance ended up helping Seth into bed because he was so tired from everything that had happened once Callie and I were in our master room.

Sunlight shines through as I open my eyes and smile when spotting Lance in the corner by the window with our little girl. He is cooing over her with a bottle as she feeds and he holds her close.

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