10. Scream

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Frank's loud footsteps echo through the mini hallway before his face appears and an immediate angry frown fills his face

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Frank's loud footsteps echo through the mini hallway before his face appears and an immediate angry frown fills his face. His body leans against the doorframe before stumbling over to the seat he takes at the table.

Being quick I fill his plate with food and then take my seat. My stomach is in tight knots to where there is no way I will be able to keep anything down. Seth stares at Frank having not even moved to put his book down, with his eyes occassionally looking over to me causing them to soften before going back hard at Frank.

"So has my whore finally realized you're to fat to eat. Took you long enough with this horrendous shit you have been having to make with my new rules. Finally coming to your senses have you?" Frank grits out and slurs.

"I am just not hungry tonight." I whisper and hate how I sound so weak, but I can't let my son get hurt.

I am hurting my own butt right now for not just rushing before when I first got the notice to get us out. I should have known with all the books I've read in life that nothing ever goes so smoothly as I have been planning.

"Good get away from the table then." Frank grunts with a fling of his hand.

"I'd like to be excused too. I'd rather read." Seth's voice comes out with a darkness I have never heard and a person would swear he has going through puberty so early because that is not his normal soft voice, but moreso of a older teens.

Frank doesn't even acknowledge him which I am honestly grateful for. We both leave the table with Frank just staring at the plate of food before pulling his flask out. I roll my eyes because he is already drunk as it is but then again people never know when to just stop, nor do they seem to care.

I wait until Seth is out of the room and I hear as he went to his room. Dashing on the toes of my feet to my closet and pull out our bags, then beeline right for Seth's room. My motions stop when I see Seth pacing in his room, hands still in tight fists.

"Sweetheart?" My voice is soft when I call to my son.

Seth whips around and for a moment I could have swore something was different with his normal green eyes, that they were a blue instead. Not just a normal blue but like a blue on fire.

"He started early today." Seth all but seethes.

I'm speechless but at least it seems I won't have to explain it now. Like I said truth is best and I would've told him but he seems to already know.

"Yes I have been hearing I believe everything that has been going on when you have thought I am asleep. He has gotten loud its woke me at times when I was actually asleep. Fido keeps telling me to stay close to you when I have talked to him about it."

My mouth opens. I should never put anything past my son when he is an observer and like they say kids tend to know things going on.

"I had just gotten notice about two hours ago the apartment I have been trying to get across town is finally ours. My plan was to call out of work to pack everything then get you out of school and us go across town. To which if you had asked I would have told you." I sigh and lay the bag on his bed that I have for his belongings.

"I am proud of you Mama." Seth whispers and walks up to me. "I didn't like it when you was not safe at night but I know I am to young to do anything about it."

"You could have talked to me about it and it is my fault that it has taken this long to get something else secured for us. I guess I should have just quit my job and moved us out of town and back to my hometown after the first hit." I sigh and wrap my arms around his shoulders, while he hugs me.

"He has actually hit you? I just thought it was threats or yelling." Seth is back to beyond angry.

"He won't again because we are leaving now and I will just get us a hotel for the night somewhere once we can get away from Frank. I don't want him to hit or harm you, for me I will take it all but he better not dare touch you." I huff.

Seth turns and starts pulling things out of his drawers and closet. I let him know I am going to do the same and whoever finishes come to the other one.

Everything is on high alert for me it seems as I strain to hear as I carelessly throw my clothes and belongings into the large duffel bag. Right as I zip it up, Seth walks in and he seems to be in deep thought while mumbling under his breath to himself.

"Did you get it all sweetheart?" I whisper and Seth's eyes pop up to me.

He nods.

"I will leave my bag in your room and once Frank passes out we will sneak out."

"Okay." Seth nods.

"Let's just stay in your room until we can get out and hope we are in the clear."

We walk to his room and I set my bag next to his. Neither bag weighs much at all since we really don't have many personal belongings. No matter what I say, Seth starts pacing once again.

"Where the hell are you hiding?" I hear Frank yell all of a sudden and something hit a wall.

I look to Seth and stand from his bed. "Stay here, okay?" I whisper but Seth doesn't look like he is happy about that, just standing watching me as I leave the room.

I round the corner back to the kitchen, to see Frank had thrown the main food dish off the table. The food and glass shaddered everywhere of the opposite side he is sitting still. At some point he had gotten up because now there is a bottle of some type of alcohol that wasn't there before.

"Clean this mess up." Frank slurs. "It will help you to loose that fat by moving."

Keeping a straight face, I move to grab the broom and complete this task. Praying he will pass out soon, he seems like he isn't to far off.

"Oh by the fucking way." Frank stands from the table and my eyes widen as I keep cleaning but I can tell his movements. There is no stumbling at all, you wouldn't know he is drunk apart from the smell of booze and his slurring. "You will regret that dish it was awful I couldn't even eat the one simple bite."

All of a sudden a loud bang happens right next to head, making a scream escape my lips and a warmth run down by my left eye with a stinging pain. My eyes look up and see that Frank is now standing in front of me and the bottle he was taking a drink out of was what he threw at me, hitting the wall then the glass must have cut me from the warmth I feel. I can't believe I must have spaced out in panic with how he is being.

Feet rush and I see Seth round the corner just as Frank's hand makes contact with the side of my head instead of my cheek. I double over from another hit to my side caused by Frank.

Nothing could prepare me for what I witness next as my eyes zone in on my son. My worst fear of him seeing me actually being hit just came true and worst that I know I am bleeding from the glass shaddering.

A loud noise comes from Seth and before my eyes it is like some invisible source is breaking every bone based off the sound coming from him. It is enough to make Frank stop his assault on me.

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