48. Hello Fayla

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After everyone has ate and even pitched in to clean, we all sit around and watch as Seth opens gift after gift

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After everyone has ate and even pitched in to clean, we all sit around and watch as Seth opens gift after gift. His shock to Auntie, Sherry and I bringing it all into the living room area was priceless which made me wish I had a picture since he never once noticed everything by the front door on the floor.

Seth goes through thanking everyone and takes it all up to his room. Mainly it is books galore but there are some sweaters and such since some have turned into bits of fabric due to over excited shifting if he gets told to join either Lance or Valin for patrol. The struggle of not laughing while it is way to late to remind him to take his clothes off first.

Everyone seems to be so relaxed and happy as they run through the woods. I sit on top of Lance as normal. It is not so much of a run all the time but at least trotting round as we seem to circle the boarder of the packs territory which is why the runs will last so long.

Once the run is over, I move to slide off Lance's back as normal and Seth stands by close. I can tell in his eyes Fido is in control more by the color of his eyes and he sniffs up and down my body before he calms and Seth comes back up to where they are one as a equal. I smile gently to my boy and rub behind his ear making his leg thump on the ground, that will never get old and I soak up every minute of it.

Seth takes off to the tree to shift back since everyone else has already done so and now standing by.

Auntie comes up and hugs me to her side. "There is never anything better than running with my great nephew."

"I second that!" Sherry smiles coming up to the other side of me. "It always helps running at night too. Just something about it all makes it easier to sleep at night."

"Here I thought mattress flopping was the best thing to make you sleep so well." Levo mumbles and makes us all laugh.

"That too." Sherry smirks.

"Is it time for more dessert?" Seth smiles wide when he runs back up to us.

"Sure, sounds perfect." I nod and get out of Auntie and Sherry's hold to get my son.

I hear the mumbles of the others following in behind us and watch as they scatter to wash up their hands at the very least. One thing I love about this house is the small bathrooms for use, not so fun cleaning this entire house but it is so handy to have.

I pull out the boxes that Lance went to get early this morning and about jump out of my skin when Seth stands there with a small glare.

"You shouldn't be on a ladder." Seth mumbles to where I almost don't catch it.

"Well lucky for me it wasn't a ladder but a stool." I smirk as Seth huffs with an eyeroll.

I could tell Seth was about to have a comeback but he closed his mouth and stood by the counter top. Within a few more seconds I noticed why as the kitchen was being filled by everyone. I move the plates over to be next to where I placed the box and watch as everyone helps themselves to the extra dessert since we had the cake part immediately after dinner.

Werewolves don't seem to have to worry about their figure. Lucky I call it. However, my figure is going so I am making the most of out it and then once this little baby is born I'll work it all off. Sounds great right? Well it sure does to me anyways.

Lance takes out the trash once everyone is finished with the food. The last thing I really want is any of the disposalable plates to start smelling in this kitchen. That is one thing no one ever wants in their kitchen is to smell.

We all gather in the living room together with a small fire going in the fireplace. Auntie made us her special cocoa and even though I know she adds in vanilla the secret to how much she adds because I have tried to make it and have failed so many times. She tells me it is in her recipe book in her kitchen but I always felt like that was snooping around in things that aren't mine.

A smile spreads over my face as Levo and Sherry share one large chair, Auntie sits in the rocking chair, while Seth is on the floor in front of Lance and I then Valin is on a small loveseat couch. Laughter surrounds me as everyone I hold close to me is here and just cherishing Seth's birthday.

To think eleven years ago I was scared out of my mind not knowing what to do to be here today. There are so many parts I wouldn't ever change because even though there has been hard and scary moments it got us to this point right here. My fingers run through the hair on top of Seth's head once he leans his head back on my leg.

After a little bit everyone bids us goodnight and leaves for the night. Seth slowly gets off the floor and I can tell the day has gotten to him as his feet drag. I pull him into my arms and hug him tight.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart. I hope you have had a wonderful day." I whisper by his ear to not hurt his eardrum.

I can feel when Seth smiles with where his always lays his cheek on my shoulder. "I did Ma."

Lance and Seth say goodnight and do that weird man hug thing before Seth makes a move to the stairs.

I go to pick up the cups for Lance and I just to clean them out quickly before watching some tv with Lance. Right as I go to walk past Lance he grabs my bicep and I can tell his posture is tense. My eyes catch as Seth is also paused mid step on the stairs.


Lance moves his hand to place a finger on my lips. "Stay here."

He moves to the front door and next thing that happens has me screaming as the door is blow backwards into our house and send Lance flying backwards with it. Seth being on the stairs just barely was missed from it but he doesn't miss a beat as he shifts on the spot into Fido's form with teeth bared.

Just as Fido goes to pounce from his position, a dust seems to come out of no where right into his face. I watch in horror as Fido's body drops to the ground like a brick.

I can't stop the scream that escapes my lips. My legs move as my only thought is to get to my son. Just as I reach him, Lance is on his feet and partly shifted coughing as more dust is blown in. Lance is beyond livid through the bond but I can tell there is a small bit of weak feeling coming through.

What the hell is the dust crap?

My head turns and I see the last person I ever thought I would see again.

"Hello Fayla."

My blood turns cold wishing this is all just some sick, twisted dream and that I will wake up on the couch at any minute with everyone I love still with us.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Things just couldn't stay quiet and calm for Fayla could they?

What will happen and how will she handle it all?

How does everything think Lance may react to the baby news once he finds out?

Hope everyone is enjoying! Thank you to everyone reading!

Hope everyone is enjoying! Thank you to everyone reading!

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