8. News

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"Well ladies both tests came back great for the fast results, which means the next results will be clear unless you both have had unprotected active in the last six weeks

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"Well ladies both tests came back great for the fast results, which means the next results will be clear unless you both have had unprotected active in the last six weeks."

Rosie and I both shake our heads.

"Good news then. I had figured you both haven't since there isn't really enough time to go out and explore the city or have that time and sleep." The nurse snickers when we keep nodding like bobble head dolls.

The nurse goes to walk away but stops and then opens the folder she had our results in again. She moves to stand by a counter and opens a door before looking back to us.

Something about her face makes me wonder what is going on now.

"One last thing. Fayla you may want to take a look at this paper. Rosie here is yours." The nurse hands us an extra page each. "As you both never declined a test on the forms we had you fill out before coming in. These are the pregnancy results based on blood work we drew."

I open my page and look down to see a rather large amount of HCG under the one that states positive. My mouth drops open and tears form.

How in the hell? I never thought just one fucking accident with no condom would lead to this!

"You need to start these and get in for an ultrasound with the doctor, the floor above this one, since you have said it has been a bit since you been active well at least since you arrived in the city." The nurse hands a bottle of vitamins and the card for the doctor upstairs.

Rosie wraps her arm around me as I can feel my body sway slightly as the nurse walks off leaving us standing here after this bomb shell. Seems kind of rude as hell to do that no matter how busy they may be to just drop like no biggie then leave.

There is only a few things I now know for a fact.

I will love this child and raise this baby on my own, because I don't want to see him after how he acted and I still feel the ache over. I don't know if he would even be a good father or want to be since he flat out talked about reject which basic terms to me he felt guilty immediately afterwards.

Secondly, I really want to call my Auntie. A sad longing overcomes me that I have not felt so strong in a very long time how I miss my parents more than anything than it is right now and I at least want my Auntie to hug me and give words of wisdom.

Rosie walks with her arm around me all the way to the car.

"I am so sorry Fayla! I never thought joking before ordering the subs earlier would actually be true." Rosie looks over to me in the car.

"It is okay I wasn't even thinking of it honestly myself and never clicked either when you were joking earlier. It explains the nausea but I haven't noticed anything else, well other than the missed period. I had spotted some but I was thinking all the stress just made it to where I wouldn't have one."  I mumble as Rosie gets to driving us home. It is the best it was her car brought because I wouldn't be able to even drive or be my luck I get on the wrong bus with how so many things are swirling in my head.

Once we reach the apartment, Rosie asks if I need of anything and I shake my head.

"I am going to call my Auntie." I give Rosie a small smile.

I am glad she is being nice and supportive even considering our friendship is still really new. My hope is that it comes out as a shock to her with the news for how I am acting, but that ache I felt immediately after the events that lead to having this baby inside me seems to be hitting just as hard again.

The pain in my chest and the heart break all at once. I keep trying to tell myself to be strong because I don't have the heart to do anything but have this baby. This baby is a part of me and I would like to be happy and not be upset over how the baby came to be. I am happy just that I have to put him out of my mind and focus on the good.

Guess a third thing I know is that I will do whatever it takes to be a full time mother to this child and also still finish this apprenctieship while being the best worker to hold this job that comes with it too. I will definitely be wanting to have a stable job in all of this too. I know I have inheritance but I heard it takes a lot to raise a baby too so I don't want to just rely on that either.

I sit on my bed and pick my phone from my purse where the lab results stare me in the face having unfolded to grab the phone along with the vitamins. First person to call and I need the most is Auntie, never would I have thought we would get so very close but I am glad for it.

Then I will tell Sherry once I have more answers after an ultrasound. All because I know her and she will be full of questions that I really don't have all the answers too.

On the fourth ring I am about to hang up and text Auntie instead that I really need to talk before she answers a 'Hello.' Sounding out of breath.

"Hey Auntie. I hope I am not interrupting something?" My voice comes out timid.

"Not at all kiddo. I just had to dash down the stairs in order to get my cell phone off the counter since I left it there after dinner on accident."

"Not very safe to be running down stairs. You preached that to me when you caught me doing it." I mumble earning a laugh from Auntie.

"I know. I know." Auntie calms from the slight laughing before she speaks up again. "What is wrong Fayla you never mumble this much?"

"There was some news after the tests we had to get for the clinic."

"Is everything okay? You don't have a infection or anything do you?" Auntie rushes out.

"No, no. Nothing like that but I am pregnant." I get out then for some reason my eyes tear up and a sob breaks through.

The phone is silent.

"Fayla I will be there by morning. You will not go through this alone." Auntie speaks softly, making me sob even harder.

I stay on the phone until darkness takes me over as I lay down while Auntie talks through packing her bags.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

So was that obvious on the pregnancy news?

Who is exciting to see what may happen?

Could Fayla end up telling Valin or guesses on what may happen next?

Hope everyone is enjoying!

Hope everyone is enjoying!

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