47. How Long

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"How did you even know? I had thought I been careful

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"How did you even know? I had thought I been careful." I finally speak up looking at my son.

"Your scent is a little different and I can barely hear the heartbeat. Something I picked up on with all the mom wolves in the pack while I been helping Doc out with the paper work side of desk stuff since I am to young to do any tests or be in patient rooms in the clinic and they come in to get vitamins or to see Doc." Seth shrugs.

I nod slowly and let out a small laugh. "Well I am about nine weeks along from what the tests show. I am sorry I hadn't told you yet that you are going to be a big brother, sweetheart. I just haven't told Lance yet since I am actually nervous how he will react."

"Nothing to be sorry for but I had done some research in between where I been working to help and it helped me understand how I been feeling. In the last couple of weeks it has been like Fido and I are constantly on guard like the protective feeling again and it has been a while since feeling that way."

"How long have you known?"

"A couple of days that I have been pretty sure but it was a little over a week ago I kinda put things together." Seth smiles sheepishly at me.

"You have always been smart and more observant for such a young person." I chuckle and he nods.

"When do you plan to tell Lance? I am a little surprised he hasn't caught on but then again your still early and being human you will have a normal length pregnacy too. So with him being your mate he probably hadn't thought nothing of it not being around pregnant people much at all. Doc told me unless a wolf is around it a lot of pregnant women they don't pick up on it but I thought mates would. That theory I had went out the door." Seth laughs and it makes me smile listening to him just talk about all he has learned.

"I plan to tell him soon and really should have before now." I sigh and think on all the times I have came close to telling him.

"No one can blame you for being nervous Ma. I have heard and know of his past just like everyone else in the pack. Have you told anyone though?"

I swear he seems older than eleven.

"No I haven't told anyone yet. So you're the first to know." I pull the blanket around me tighter. "It seems so different and once again a new experience this time." I laugh with my thoughts that escape.

"I would think it be easier for you since you have your mate this time and so many people. Plus you know Fido and I always watch for our Ma."

Geez, this kid is way more mature for an eleven year old than he should be. It makes me proud but sad at the same time wondering if I should have done better to give him more of a childhood somehow but then again he didn't want to do sports or play grounds much so I never forced it.

"You don't know how grateful I am for you and Fido. My first born and my love for you will never change, please know that. Yes, I think it will be easier this time once I get enough balls to tell Lance."

"I know Ma. I know you love me the same. Like Auntie says never closed space for love, the heart just grows more." Seth smiles lightly.

I open up the blanket and hold my arms open, needing a hug from my son. He moves our sodas and the remotes before putting up the back to make a cushion again to lay across the couch. My arms wrap around him, as his head ever so gently lays on my stomach.

Seth pulls the blanket to where it covers my lower legs and then move to lay on top of it with his head on my side closest to the couch. He then presses play on the remote and my fingers run through his hair as we go back to watching the show.

I really needed this time with my son. Just mother and son time. Nothing can ever beat it and I wouldn't change it for the world. Seth isn't the most affectionate at times but he always hugs me when I want one, so I am most definitely soaking in this time before he gets to saying he is to old to cuddle with his mom.

Time passes by and every once in a while Seth moves his head or seems to concentrate. When we watch the second show, I pat his back to let him know it is time for us to get up and get ready for me to start prepping dinner for everyone.

"I don't want to move." Seth grumbles.

I laugh lightly while folding the blanket back up and placing on the back of the couch after he finally got up to where I could.

"Maybe we can get some time in again soon. I definitely enjoyed being able to have our time again."

"So do I and I could hear the pups heart beat too. It is fast but calming at the same time. I wonder what sibling I will have." Seth muses and I can't help but smile.

"Well either a brother or a sister."

"I don't mind either way." Seth smiles and follows me to the kitchen,

"If it is a little girl then I feel for her already." I chuckle and wash up my hands.

"Why?" Seth sounds confused. I turn my head and smile at his face.

"Because the way you are with being protective over me and then Lance on top of it all. The poor girl wouldn't stand a chance at dating when she got older."

Seth blushes and nods. "I didn't think of that but I'd just go to sit in the back ground to watch. I wouldn't keep her from dating but instead just watch over her. Lance, though, I don't see him letting her go if the pup is a girl. Thing is though most Alpha born pups are males so it is a slim chance when looking at the possiblities but take into account he technically had a pup before there is still a chance of the pup being a girl."

"So a fifty-fifty like normal." I same in easier terms.

"Not really but close. That one book from Doc on the percentages for this and that is neat but also puts me to sleep too so it helps there when I can't sleep. I don't think the medical side suits me but it is fun to learn in between the Beta stuff." Seth shrugs.

I shake my head and get to prepping the meat while Seth watches. We work together before long and everyone slowly starts arriving. I notice them dropping off gifts in the walk way but Seth doesn't even seem to notice. I can't wait to see how he enjoys this evening.

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