20. To Excited

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A few days has passed since Valin shown up at my front door

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A few days has passed since Valin shown up at my front door. The only thing I know for how he found me was from the morning in the woods he watched me round the building and guessed. I am doubting that Sherry had gave my address since she is one to never do something like that no matter the person unless she has permission, which I didn't constent too.

Just as I am about to clock out for lunch break, my line rings. Since it is the main boss, I pick up immdiately but not going to lie I am about to shit a brick because I don't know of doing anything wrong but still.

'Hello? Fayla speaking.'

'Hi, this is Mrs. Suemack. Do you have a moment to talk with me? I know you are about to clock out for lunch but this is something I think you will be interested in.'

'Of course, Mrs. Suemack.'

Seth looks over at me from across the room at his desk. With a slight shrug of my shoulders and shake of my head he goes back behind his computer to resume his school work. I have no doubt he is going to listen though since he knows the name very well with a few of my coworkers that call saying the main boss lady wants other things done and we split up the work.

'I have seen where you were wanting a transfer to Fairbanks. Is this still the case?'

'Yes ma'am, as Fairbanks is my hometown. I have very little family left but would like to be back home.' I smile with my fingers crossed.

'I know that you are not in the management position, however, when looking at your work for the last ten years you are a very dedicated employee. There are not any positions available that you currently are working, so I would like to offer you a management position. It is exactly what you are doing currently.'

My mouth drops open and nothing comes out. Gaining my mind and vocal cords back, I clear my throat. 'Thank you so much it would be a privilege to accept. Although, I would have thought there would be something more for me to do being in management.'

Mrs. Suemack laughs lightly. 'Oh no Fayla. I hate to say it but the manager you currently have here has been taking advantage of you. All the schedules you work should be hers and I am actually working on a replacement for her here in this section, but I wanted to offer you the Fairbanks region since you have been putting in transfers there when they came up but sadly haven't received the transfer.'

'I would be honored to take over the Fairbanks region!' I smile wide.

'Perfect! I will let that current manager know since she has been wanting to retire but waiting until we had a passionate employee for the spot. Congratulations Fayla. I will be sending over paperwork that I need for you to fill out and sign, once those are finished I can get your job paused for here and give you amount of time needed to move back there. Do you know about how long you may need to the transfer before you would be begin working again once you find a place to live?'

'I would be able to work within a few days. I still own my family home there and there is barely any packing to do here. So I would say three days max before I would be comfortable back to working my normal schedule.'

'Perfect and once you are there the current manager will switch all the information to you for the forwarding emails to the employees that will be under you.'

'Thank you so much and I will make sure you have the paperwork back within this work day.'

'No worries Fayla. I will send you a message and get the process started for everything to start by tomorrow if you so wish.'

'That sounds perfect to me.' I bounce in my chair and I see Seth standing on his feet, a smile on his face.

We hang up from the phone call with me thanking her again for this advancement in the company.

"We are to move back to your hometown Mama? With Great Auntie Vi?"

"Yes sweetheart we are!" I get up from my chair and Seth wraps me in a hug that I give back tenfold.

Seth pulls back from the hug. "I am going to get packing!"

I laugh. "Sweetheart we don't have any boxes yet. I am going to call Auntie though and give her the great news."

"I can run out to the recycling bin by the end of the complex for boxes." Seth bounds for the door.

"We we will do that together once I get off the phone with Auntie. You, however, need to finish your school work." I smile as Seth sighs.

"The one time school work isn't as fun. I can't wait though and neither can Fido something about there feels right and peaceful."

I smile at Seth as I have always thought the same but it is my hometown. The call in to Auntie is long and joyous as we ramble about everything needing to be done in the next three days. I figure tonight and part of tomorrow will be packing our belongings. I can fit everything into the suv type car I have, we will just leave the furniture behind with the apartment since it was all used items when I bought them aways. Then tomorrow night or the second day the drive all the way back home, which leaves the third day for Seth and I to unpack in our rooms at the house again.

Once Seth is done with school work and I am off the phone with Auntie, we walk down to get some boxes from the recycle bin where they are available for movers. Instead of cooking tonight, I called in for pizza delivery. Together Seth and I have half of our belongings in boxes and in my car already.

For now though we are taking a break for him to enjoy his all meat pizza while I eat my hawaiian pizza. We have the television on but we both seem to excited to pay attention to the show currently on and honestly it is some type of weird mythical movie. They definitely have werewolves wrong if my son is any account but I still wonder if he been bite but I never noticed or he forgot about it too.

Hey Hey Guys!!!


Any guesses now how things may go with Fayla making way back to her hometown.

Will she run into Valin again or is it been an accident so far?

Will she run into Valin again or is it been an accident so far?

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