13. Want To Play

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We step through the woodline and Seth looks to me with a bright smile, his eyes taking on a burning blues

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We step through the woodline and Seth looks to me with a bright smile, his eyes taking on a burning blues.

Right as I start to hear the snaps something makes me speak up. "Don't rip your clothes."

Seth stops and his green eyes meet mine instead of the burning blue. "Okay." He shrugs before just stripping down with his back to me, with not a care in the world as he moves fast being excited to shift from the looks of things.

I just wonder how it will be for him since a week ago he was tired after he shifted back after everything and slept all night long, then was sore for a day after.

Sounds of bones snapping fill the air around us but don't last even two minutes before wolf cub Seth or well Fido stands in front of me. I can't help but wonder what he would be for size wise as a full grown adult in wolf form. Right now he is so cute and almost looks fox like but there is to many hints of wolf there with how I have researched the difference once my mind was in the right state after that night.

Most of his coat is a silver coloration

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Most of his coat is a silver coloration. It is so different being able to see him in the natural light and not being scared out of my wits. Don't get me wrong I am still very torn with all of this but I almost feel very calm like it is just natural which for Seth it is.

I crunch down to where I basically sit on my legs under me. Fido walks over and he rubs against my body in circles almost cat like before he stops and places his head in my hand for some scratches.

It lasts for a few minutes before he moves away and shakes out his fur.

"If you want to run some you can. Just please stay close by me because I can't run to like you probably can, okay?" I talk to him.

His head nods and then something interesting happens as I can get peeks of Seth's green eyes too and not just Fido's blues. The amazement is never ending as it seems they literally share control both ways.

A laugh escapes me when he runs in circles around me before dashing into the forest right in front of me. I do enjoy that he listened and seems to stay in my line of sight the entire time he runs around. Fido will come up to where I stand watching him, panting and sitting on his butt for a few moments before he dashes off again making me laugh every time.

I know that maybe it is harder since they stay to where I can see them, but I am still his mother. I may not be able to protect him as good because I have zero fighting skills but still I will do my best.

Maybe that is something I need to do is learn to at least fight?

My thoughts stop when I watch Fido trot up with something in his mouth.

Oh God! Please don't let be some animal because I may barf and I don't want to hurt their feelings.

The light of day is fading which hides with how his head down what it is. Right as he steps up and drops it I see it is a decent size stick.

"Thank you?" it comes out a question as I move down and pick it up.

Fido moves and bounces back with a bark like sound and runs back some then looks at me.

"You want me to throw the stick?"

Shock comes over me when he nods. I go on and give it a toss and figure they just want to play and not play alone now. I didn't think a wolf cub would want to play fetch like a dog but then again I can't really play anything else with him either, so maybe this is like bonding thing for Fido's side. I don't think I will ask though because I am enjoying this with them and once again don't want to hurt their feelings.

Right before we are fixing to loose the last of the light of day, Fido moves over to me with a whine. I reach out and rub over his fur cleaning him of some of the leaves they have aquired running.

I stand up and hold Seth's clothes up. The snapping sounds and I keep the clothes to where he has privacy in that area of being a young man. I don't change his diapers anymore and he showers on his own so he is a young man that needs privacy.

Seth stands up on his feet completely and takes the pants from my hand after he turned around with his back facing me. "Thank you mama."

"Always sweetheart." I smile gently when he turns around with his pants on and takes his shirt.

His body is covered in dirt marks. Seth seems to be happy with the smile on his face.

"Can we do this again?" Seth looks to me as we walk to the apartment.

"Of course sweetheart. You just let me know and I will make sure it can happen okay?"

Seth nods.

Once in the apartment I let him know to go shower and once he is out I will have a snack ready for him. Seth beams as his eyes seem to sparkle and the smile as never left his face. It brings me so much happiness to see my son beaming like he is, nothing beats seeing your child happy.

In no time, Seth comes to the living room and inhales the plate of food I had ready for him with leftovers from dinner.

"How are you feeling sweetheart? Any soreness?"

Seth shakes his head some and finishes his bite of food. "Maybe just a little but I was really hungry."

I laugh lightly and kiss his head before taking his empty plate, sliding his glass of milk to him.

When I come back from rinsing out the plate, I see Seth fighting sleep as his eyelids droop some.

"Come on, I will help you to bed." I smile.

Seth stands and walks to the bathroom and I hear as he brushes his teeth, before dragging his feet to his bed. I smile at how he went from hungry to having a full stomach and ready to sleep in such a short time.

I kiss his head once more. "Good night sweetheart."

"Good night Mama." Seth mumbles.

I close his door almost all the way, before walking to the living room. My phone vibrates and I see it is Auntie calling me. I answer and take a sit on the couch while we talk about things. She found out my relationship ended but I haven't told anyone he was abusive Auntie and Sherry just know we moved and that is all while supporting me on decisons made.

We promise to see each other soon. Auntie was bummed that Seth is already asleep for the night since she loves talking with him too just asking how school is going or book he may be reading. It makes me happy that we still at least have Auntie in our lives for family. Even though Sherry is like family for us it is not the same as blood either but I will forever cherish her too. A part of me wished there was someone I could talk to that may know everything that is going on with this werewolf shifting and things.

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