Chapter 7

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Kenzo stirred, his head throbbing as if a drum had taken residence inside his skull. Groggily, he rolled off the sofa, meeting the floor with an unintended faceplant, a low groan escaping his lips.

"Oh, my head," Kenzo muttered to himself as he struggled to push himself up. The room spun for a moment before settling into a disorienting stillness.

Shin's apartment.

The realization hit him, and Kenzo groaned again. Memories of the night before were hazy, but one thing was clear: they'd had a few too many drinks.

"Shin?" Kenzo called, his voice slightly muffled by the couch cushion.

From the other room, Shin's voice floated in, groggy but amused. "You alive, Ikari?"

"Alive, but barely," Kenzo replied, slowly dragging himself onto the sofa. Shin appeared, looking equally worse for wear, his hair even messier than usual.

"Did we get hit by a truck or something?" Kenzo asked, rubbing his temples.

Shin chuckled. "Probably. You should've seen the way you were swaying last night. It was like watching a tree in a storm."

Kenzo shot him a mock glare. "Thanks for the vivid imagery. Where's the aspirin?"

Shin pointed towards the kitchen. "Cabinet, top shelf. And there's water in the fridge. Welcome to the aftermath, my friend."

Kenzo navigated the unfamiliar kitchen, his movements careful as if the ground might betray him. He found the aspirin and a half-empty bottle of water, gulping them down with a grimace.

"Well, we survived another night out. Congratulations, Nakamura."

Shin grinned, rubbing his eyes. "Survival is an achievement, my friend. Now, the question is, do we have the energy to grab some breakfast, or are we doomed to live on aspirin and regrets?"

Kenzo pondered for a moment before deciding, "I vote for food. Let's salvage what's left of the morning."

With a collective effort, they managed to get themselves ready, navigating through the remnants of the previous night's revelry. Exiting Shin's apartment, they were met with the crisp morning air, a stark contrast to the dimly lit confines they'd just left.

After a substantial breakfast that did little to alleviate the persistent throb in his head, Kenzo ambled back to his flat. The echo of his footsteps seemed to mirror the pounding in his skull. The imminent threat from Shigaraki had become a haunting presence, the countdown to danger ticking louder with each passing moment.

As he pushed open the door to his modest apartment, he kicked off his shoes and collapsed onto the well-worn sofa. A deep exhale escaped him, the burdens of the day settling into the frayed cushions. The decision was made – it was time to reach out to Nezu.

Dialing the number on his phone, Kenzo braced himself for the conversation that lay ahead. Nezu's shrill voice greeted him almost immediately, an exuberant "Hello, how can I help you!" piercing through the receiver.

"Nezu—" Kenzo began, only to be interrupted by the Principal's enthusiastic interjection, "Ikari! So nice to hear from you! Is this about my teaching offer?"

Kenzo chuckled, appreciating Nezu's boundless enthusiasm even in the face of impending danger. "Well, sort of. I've got something bothering me. Couldn't think of anyone else who could help."

"I see. Is it serious?" Nezu inquired, a note of concern edging into his lively tone.

"Yeah, pretty serious," Kenzo admitted, his words carrying the weight of the League of Villains' looming threat.

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