Chapter 16

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Over the next few days, the rhythm of daily life settled into a comforting routine for Kenzo at the training camp. The sun-drenched mornings began with solitary runs through the forest, a ritual that allowed him to gather his thoughts and embrace the serenity of the natural surroundings. Following his jog, the day unfolded with a series of activities, each contributing to the growth and development of the young heroes-in-training.

Mandalay and Kenzo found themselves working in tandem, creating nourishing meals for the students. The collaborative effort in the kitchen saw pupils from both 1-A and 1-B joining in, adding a touch of camaraderie to the cooking sessions. Kenzo, with his experience and culinary finesse, became an unexpected mentor, sharing tips and tricks as they prepared hearty meals.

The training sessions were intense but fruitful. Kenzo, alongside Aizawa, dedicated time to hone the students' skills, pushing them to their limits. As the week progressed, the noticeable improvement in the students' abilities instilled confidence that they were on the right track.

After a particularly challenging day, the weary students returned to the campsite, their faces marked by both exhaustion and determination. Kenzo and Mandalay collaborated once again, this time to craft a delectable stir-fry. The students, excited for the upcoming test of courage, eagerly lent a hand in the kitchen, making the preparation a lively and communal affair.

The test of courage loomed on the horizon, an event that promised a mix of thrills and challenges for the students. Kenzo, tasked with pairing up the 1-A students, took a moment to organise the logistics. With a sharp blast of a whistle, he signalled the commencement of the activity, allowing pairs of students to venture into the forest.

Aizawa, having taken the remedial class students indoors, left the quartet of Pussycats heroes—Mandalay, Tiger, Pixie-Bob, and Ragdoll—scattered strategically around the forest. The stage was set for an evening filled with frights, laughter, and perhaps a few surprises in the darkened woods.

As the students ventured into the forest, guided by the dim glow of flashlights and the promise of an adrenaline-fueled experience, Kenzo watched with a sense of satisfaction.

About 15 minutes had passed since Kenzo had paired up the first-year students for the test of courage. He was sitting on a bench, idly waiting, when a sudden scent reached his nose, a disturbing note in the otherwise crisp air.

"Hey, does anyone smell smoke? I think somethings burning," Mandalay's voice cut through the quiet of the campsite. Her eyes scanned the forest, an uneasy tension building in the air.

Kenzo stood up, his senses on high alert. Without a word, he propelled himself into the air with a powerful gust of wind, surveying the surroundings. His eyes widened in horror as he spotted the ominous glow of blue flames dancing in the forest below. With the grace of a falling leaf, he descended beside Mandalay.

"There's fire. Loads of blue fire," he reported urgently.

"Villains?" Mandalay's question hung in the air, her gaze fixed on the distant glow.

"I think so," Kenzo replied, quickly tightening his shoelaces. "Mandalay, alert Aizawa and-"

Before he could finish, a knife whizzed past his head, slicing his ear in its wake. Kenzo gasped at the pain, feeling the warmth of blood staining his shirt and hair. Clutching his ear, blood pooled in his palm as he turned to face the source, discovering the menacing presence of a reptilian villain.

"Mandalay, Tiger, can you handle him?" Kenzo gritted and his free hand extended, unleashing a powerful gust of wind to blow the villain backward.

"Of course," Tiger responded, charging at the reptile with determination.

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