Chapter 65

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Kenzo made his way towards the UA campus, touching down on the lawn outside the 1-A dorms. His injury throbbed painfully, dissuading him from attempting to climb through his bedroom window. Assuming it was late enough for everyone to be either in their dorm rooms or asleep, he hoped to navigate through the building unnoticed in his dishevelled state. However, as he pushed open the front door and began to traverse the common room towards the lifts, the lights flicked on, casting Aizawa's silhouette against the wall by the light switch. Kenzo froze, feeling a shiver of unease at the steely intensity in Aizawa's gaze.

"Ikari," Aizawa greeted in his characteristic low tone.

Kenzo swallowed nervously, a bead of sweat trickling down his neck. "Hey, Aizawa," he replied, attempting to maintain composure despite the growing tension.

Aizawa approached with measured steps, his gaze piercing. "You're covered in blood."

"Don't worry, most of it isn't mine." The words slipped out before Kenzo could stop them, and he immediately regretted the admission as Aizawa's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Nakamura was worried sick about you."

"Oh." Guilt washed over Kenzo as he absorbed the impact of Aizawa's words.

"You're injured." Aizawa pointed at the badly bandaged gash on Kenzo's upper thigh.

"It's just a scratch."

"Kenzo, let me tell you something. Firstly, I know something's going on with you, but you've never allowed me to help you. Not even when you were a student. You need to understand that people care about you."

"It's nothing—"

"Secondly, there's a reason I chose to teach at UA. Nezu operates separately from the Hero Safety Commission. The Commission is corrupt, Ikari. It's full of power-hungry individuals. Whatever mission they've given you, you need to get out of it."

"Aizawa, I'm perfectly fine," Kenzo insisted, brushing a lock of blonde hair out of his eyes. He couldn't ignore the persistent seepage of blood from his badly bandaged thigh gash, staining his hero costume.

Turning away from Aizawa, Kenzo headed for the lifts, his steps faltering slightly as dizziness washed over him. He jabbed at the button, the sensation of faintness intensifying with each passing moment. Despite his insistence on being fine, the reality of his condition began to weigh heavily upon him.

"Kenzo, stop."

Kenzo ignored Aizawa, insistently jabbing the button of the lift. As the lift doors slid open, he stumbled inside, leaning heavily against the wall for support. The world seemed to tilt around him, and he fought to keep his focus, his stubbornness warring with his body's urgent signals of distress.

The journey up to the fourth floor felt interminable, each passing moment marked by the persistent throbbing of his injury and the growing weakness from blood loss. By the time the lift reached his floor, Kenzo was swaying on his feet, his vision swimming as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

Summoning the last of his strength, Kenzo staggered out of the lift and towards his penthouse door. With trembling hands, he fumbled for his keys, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated. As he finally managed to unlock the door and step inside, the world around him blurred into darkness, and he collapsed to the floor in a heap, his consciousness slipping away.

As Kenzo slowly regained consciousness, he found himself still sprawled out on the floor where he had passed out. Groaning softly, he pushed himself up onto his elbows, his head pounding and his body aching with every movement.

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