Chapter 34

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The next morning bathed the sky in hues of pink and orange as Kenzo strolled into U.A. High School. He had the honour of covering Class 1-A's homeroom duties in place of Aizawa, who was on a top-secret mission.

"Yo, Mr. Ikari! Our favourite hero is teaching us today!" Kirishima's enthusiastic shout echoed through the classroom, met with nods and excited murmurs from the rest of the class, their energy infectious.

Kenzo grinned, embracing the momentary adoration. "Alright, settle down, guys. Let's get started."

Taking a seat at the teacher's desk, he attempted to don a serious expression while leaning back in Aizawa's swivel chair. "I'm filling in for Aizawa today, so you're stuck with me. Any burning questions before we dive into the roll call?"

"Mr. Ikari, do you like my new keyring?" Kaminari proudly displayed his pencil case, showcasing the Aero figurine keyring hanging from it. "I got it last week!"

Kenzo facepalmed and groaned as the students clamoured to get a look at Kaminari's prized possession.

Mina, her hand raised eagerly, chimed in, "Mr. Ikari, is it true you're turning 19 in October?"

Kenzo nodded, a small smile playing on his face.

"Aw man! You're only three years older than us—" Sero began.

"Almost four," Kenzo corrected.

"Almost four years older than us, and you're crazy overpowered. I mean, you took down Stain; that's sick, dude!" Sero continued.

"And he's already a teacher at UA," Tokoyami muttered.

Kenzo chuckled, "Guys, stop buttering up my ego. If you want to get out of cleanup duty, my answer is still no."

The class erupted in laughter, and Kenzo couldn't help but join in. As he proceeded to take attendance, each student responded with their unique quirks and greetings. While going through the morning announcements and notices, he attempted to maintain a level of professionalism, but his natural banter and friendly interaction seeped through.

After finishing the roll call, Kenzo shifted the focus to the students' upcoming events and activities.

"Alright, listen up, heroes-in-training. We've got the Joint Training Exercise coming up with Class 1-B next week. So, sharpen those quirks and be ready for some friendly competition," Kenzo declared, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Jiro raised her hand, "Mr. Ikari, are you going to be watching the exercise?"

Kenzo nodded, "Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll be there to witness the next generation of heroes in action."

Ashido leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Mr. Ikari, any tips on how to impress you during the exercise?"

Kenzo chuckled, playing along, "Well, Ashido, showing off some solid teamwork and creativity with your quirks is always impressive. On a more serious note, make sure you're supporting each other. The Joint Training Exercise is an opportunity to learn from one another and grow stronger together."

With half an hour left in the homeroom, Kenzo opened the floor for general discussion and questions. The students took this opportunity to share their thoughts, concerns, and even some amusing anecdotes.

"Mr. Ikari, how did you come up with your hero name, Aero?" asked Midoriya.

Kenzo grinned, "Well, it's a combination of two things. 'Aero' means air in Latin, which ties into my quirk. And it's also a nod to my favourite childhood chocolate."

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