Chapter 58

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A few days later, Kenzo and Shin found themselves called to the Hero Safety Commission headquarters, a place Shin never imagined he would step foot in. As a civilian without a quirk, he felt out of place among the heroes and officials bustling around.

Kenzo, on the other hand, was no stranger to the Commission, but the weight of the upcoming meeting with Mortis hung heavily on his shoulders. Despite being the number 4 hero in Japan, he felt a knot of uncertainty tightening in his stomach.

As they waited in the conference room, Kenzo glanced at Shin, noting the unease in his friend's expression. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, placing a reassuring hand on Shin's shoulder.

Shin offered a weak smile, his nerves evident. "Yeah, just never thought I'd end up here, you know? Not exactly my vibe."

Before Kenzo could respond, the door to the conference room swung open, and a tall grey haired man entered, followed by several other officials.

"Ah, Ikari, Nakamura, thank you for coming," the man greeted them, his tone serious. "We have much to discuss regarding the upcoming meeting with Mortis."

Kenzo and Shin nodded, their attention fully focused on the task at hand.

"First and foremost, we need to ensure your safety during the meeting," he continued. "We'll have security personnel stationed nearby, and you'll be equipped with communication devices in case of emergency."

Kenzo exchanged a glance with Shin, silently grateful for the added security measures. "Thank you, Sir. We appreciate it."

The man nodded, his expression grave. "Additionally, we need to discuss the approach you'll take during the meeting. Remember, Mortis's quirk poses a significant threat, so caution is paramount."

Kenzo nodded, his mind racing with potential strategies. "Understood. We'll proceed with caution."

Commissioner Tanaka regarded them both with a solemn nod. "I have every confidence in you, Ikari, Nakamura. Madam President personally asked for the two of you so I have no doubt you'll do well."

With a shared nod of determination, Kenzo and Shin braced themselves for the daunting task ahead. As they prepared to face Mortis, they knew the stakes were high, but their resolve remained unshaken.

As the man finished briefing them, he gestured towards the door. "Alright, please head up to the roof. The helicopter will be waiting to take you to Tartarus."

Kenzo and Shin exchanged a look, a mix of nerves and determination in their eyes. "Got it," Kenzo replied, leading the way as they exited the conference room and made their way to the elevator.

As they rode up to the roof, Shin couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mingled with anxiety. "Man, I feel like I'm in a superhero movie or something," he remarked, a nervous laugh escaping him.

Kenzo winked playfully, shaking his head. "Trust me, Shin, this is just another day in the life of a hero. Normal routine."

Shin's eyes widened in disbelief. "Seriously? Flying in a helicopter to a high-security prison to talk to a supervillain is normal for you?"

Kenzo shrugged with faux nonchalance. "Well, It's all part of the job."

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped out onto the roof, greeted by the sound of rotor blades whirring in the distance. A sleek black helicopter sat waiting for them, its doors open and ready for boarding.

Shin stared at the helicopter in awe, feeling a sense of surrealism wash over him. "Wow, this is... intense.I can't believe this is happening."

Kenzo clapped him on the back, offering words of encouragement. "Believe it, Shin. We've got a job to do, and we're going to do it together."

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