Chapter 45

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The following afternoon, Kenzo strode into the sleek, state-of-the-art gym of his luxury apartment complex, his muscles already warm from the morning's 5K run. His breath came out in steady puffs as he surveyed the gym, impressed by its modern equipment and pristine cleanliness.

As he made his way to the boxing area, he noticed the gym staff stealing glances in his direction, their eyes wide with surprise and excitement. He couldn't blame them; after all, it wasn't every day that the number four hero decided to grace their gym with his presence, especially during his supposed hiatus from hero work.

Ignoring the stares, Kenzo wrapped his hands with care, his mind focused on the rhythmic sound of his own heartbeat. He stepped into the boxing ring, the familiar scent of leather and sweat filling his senses, grounding him in the present moment.

With each punch, Kenzo felt the tension of the past few days melting away, replaced by a sense of cathartic release. The rhythmic thud of his gloves against the punching bag echoed through the gym, a symphony of movement and power.

"Damn, is that really Kenzo Ikari?" one of the gym staff whispered to another, their eyes glued to Kenzo's fluid movements.

"Yeah, it's him!" the other staff member replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "I heard he's on a break from hero work. I think he's the guy who moved into the 77th floor penthouse!"

Kenzo couldn't help but smirk at their whispers, his movements becoming more fluid and controlled with each passing moment. He relished the feeling of sweat trickling down his brow, the burn in his muscles a welcome reminder of his own strength.

As he finished his boxing session, Kenzo stepped out of the ring, his chest heaving with exertion. He grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his brow, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. Despite his hiatus, he couldn't deny the thrill of physical activity, the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Hey, uh, Mr. Ikari?" one of the gym staff approached tentatively, her eyes wide with awe. "Can we, uh, get a picture with you?"

Kenzo chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Sure thing," he replied, flashing them a charming smile as they eagerly gathered around him for a photo.

As the flash of the camera illuminated the gym, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the staff. Despite the fame and recognition that came with being a hero, it was moments like these, simple and genuine, that reminded him of the humanity that lay beneath the mask.

Feeling invigorated and alive, Kenzo bid farewell to the gym staff, his steps light as he made his way back to his penthouse apartment.


Boredom engulfed Kenzo as he made his way back to his penthouse, his mind craving distraction. He reached for his phone, contemplating calling Shin, but a quick call revealed that his friend was fast asleep and unreachable. Fuyumi was at work, and contacting Hawks was out of the question, given Shigaraki's ominous warning to sever ties.

With a sigh, Kenzo pondered his options. Without his quirk, confronting Shigaraki's threats head-on was not feasible. Frustration gnawed at him as he scrolled through his contacts, searching for a semblance of entertainment.

Then, an idea sparked. Parties. Perhaps a gathering could alleviate his ennui. He quickly scanned the latest updates and discovered that Mt. Lady was hosting a soirée at her penthouse in Mustafu.

Kenzo's interest piqued. Attending a party hosted by a fellow hero promised excitement and a chance to socialise, something he sorely needed. With a decisive nod, he headed straight for the shower, the warm cascade of water cascading over his blonde locs washing away the remnants of his workout and revitalising his senses.

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