Chapter 25

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im sorry in advance 


Silence hung in the air, heavy with the weight of revelation. Shin's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief painting his features. The name echoed in his mind, unlocking memories he hadn't confronted in years.

"But that's impossible. Hana lives with mum. I... They moved to America." Shin stammered, his voice barely audible.

Kenzo didn't reply, guilt and fear clouding his mind.

"But... but that means you were friends with Hana when we met. If you were in the same class, you were friends with Hana even before we met." Shin spoke, his voice unsteady, praying that Kenzo would deny his accusations. However, the denial never came.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew my sister?" Shin's voice was barely audible, "When you left the hero scene and wouldn't tell me why. It was because my sister died?" Shin asked, but it was more like a statement.

Kenzo's silence hung heavy in the air, a suffocating acknowledgment of the truth. The weight of Shin's discovery settled on Kenzo's shoulders, intensifying the guilt that had long plagued him.

Shin's eyes, once filled with trust, now mirrored the pain of betrayal. The revelation had cut through the foundation of their friendship, leaving behind a chasm of unspoken sorrow. The room seemed to tighten, the air thick with the unspoken agony of the past.

Shin's trembling voice broke the silence, carrying a mix of disbelief and hurt. "You knew my sister, and you didn't tell me? You kept it a secret all this time?"

Kenzo's gaze remained fixed on the floor, unable to meet Shin's eyes. The weight of his past decisions pressed down on him, regret intertwining with the tendrils of guilt that gripped his heart.

"I thought we were friends," Shin whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Why would you hide something like that from me? Was it all just a lie?"

The accusation hung in the air, each word cutting through Kenzo's defenses. He had hoped to shield Shin from the painful truth, but in doing so, he had inadvertently built a barrier between them.

"I didn't want to burden you with my past," Kenzo finally spoke, his voice heavy with remorse. "I didn't want you to carry the weight of my mistakes."

Shin's eyes, once warm with camaraderie, now glowed with a mix of anger and sorrow. "So, you decided to carry the burden alone? What kind of friend does that?"

Kenzo's fists clenched, the internal struggle evident on his face. "I thought it would protect you, Shin. I didn't want the past haunting our friendship."

"That's not protecting, Kenzo. It's betrayal," Shin shot back, his voice filled with the sting of betrayal.

"I never meant to hurt you," Kenzo whispered, desperation lacing his words. "I just wanted to spare you from the pain I've been through."

Shin's expression shifted from anger to a deeper sadness. "You don't get to decide what hurts me, Kenzo. We're supposed to face things together. You're... Were supposed to be best friends"

The room echoed with the painful echoes of their shattered trust. Kenzo had tried to shield Shin from the past, but in doing so, he had fractured the very foundation of their friendship.

"I don't know if I can trust you anymore," Shin admitted, the vulnerability in his voice a stark contrast to the strength he had shown moments ago.

Kenzo's heart sank, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. "Shin, please, I..."

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