Chapter 59

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As Kenzo and Shin arrived back at the Hero Commission headquarters, they were immediately ushered into the office of Madam President, who awaited them with a stern expression.

"Ikari, Nakamura," she greeted them, her tone businesslike.

Kenzo took a deep breath, preparing to recount the events of their encounter with Mortis, but before he could speak, Madam President interjected. "I've heard the initial reports," she said curtly. "It seems Mortis remains a dangerous threat, as expected."

Kenzo's brow furrowed in disagreement. "Madam President, with all due respect, I don't think it's that simple," he began, his voice steady but firm. "Hana... She's not just a villain. She's someone who's struggling, someone who's been manipulated and broken by circumstances beyond her control."

Madam President's expression hardened, scepticism evident in her gaze. "And yet, she still poses a threat to society," she countered, her tone unwavering.

Shin, who had remained quiet until now, spoke up unexpectedly, looking up through his brunette hair. "Madam President, with all due respect, I have to agree with Kenzo," he said, surprising both Kenzo and Madam President with his assertion. "Hana may have done terrible things, but she's not beyond redemption. She's just not in control."

Madam President regarded Shin with a mixture of surprise and scepticism, clearly taken aback by his unexpected defence of Mortis. "Nakamura, I understand your sentiment, but we cannot afford to be naive," she replied sternly. "Mortis killed Endeavour's daughter. Such a serious crime cant be forgiven if you know what i mean."

Kenzo raised his brows, starting to get a hint of what the woman was talking about. "Don't you think that's too extreme? We're supposed to be heroes who help people. Who save people-"

"Mr Ikari. I think you're forgetting. I am no hero." The women replied curtly, flipping open a file.

Shin shifted slightly in his seat, not exactly realising what the other two were getting at. "I don't get it. what do you-"

"Madam President is suggesting the death penalty." Kenzo interjected curtly, his blue eyes narrowed at the greying woman.

"Woah." Shin's brows skyrocketed at the notion, "I thought it was clear that she's insane. Can't she just plead insanity-"

"Miss Nakamura has 12 confirmed kills. One of them includes the only daughter of the number one hero. Are you suggesting that we should ignore this?" Madam President questioned, her steely gaze narrowing on the duo.

Kenzo swallowed hard at the numbers, but continued, "I'm not suggesting we ignore the threat she poses," he clarified. "But perhaps there's a way to help her, to rehabilitate her, rather than simply locking her away and forgetting about her."

Madam President pursed her lips before continuing. "Mr Nakamura. If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with Mr Ikari in private."

As the words left Madam President's mouth, Kenzo and Shin exchanged a knowing glance, before Shin stood, making his way out of the room wordlessly.

Madam President fixed Kenzo with a steely gaze, her tone firm. "Ikari, when you first joined the ranks of heroes, you made a commitment to uphold the principles of the Hero Commission. That includes following orders and upholding the law."

Kenzo squared his shoulders, his resolve unwavering. "But isn't being a hero about doing what's right, even if it means going against protocol?" he countered. "We're here to protect people, not just blindly follow orders."

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