Chapter 20

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Within a secure ward of a secure hospital, Toshinori Yagi occupied a hospital bed, weariness etched across his face as he stared at his mobile device. A profound sense of disbelief gnawed at him, triggered by the unsettling revelation All For One had delivered during their fierce confrontation. A son? The notion seemed preposterous.

His mind involuntarily drifted back to the woman he had once loved, the captivating Takano Dalia—brown-eyed, blonde-haired. Their love had been genuine, but the tumultuous times had forced him to make a heart-wrenching decision. Leaving her had been agonizing, a sacrifice for her safety during the dark days that engulfed Japan.

Yet, a nagging doubt clawed at him. Dalia had never borne his child, and he had been convinced that leaving her was the right choice. The turbulent era demanded it, and the thought of any harm befalling her had been unbearable. It was a chapter of his past he wished to keep closed.

She had never informed him of a pregnancy, a fact that fuelled Toshinori's conviction that he couldn't possibly have a son. Surely, if such a significant event had occurred, Dalia would have disclosed it. The implausibility of All For One's claim clashed with the reality of the woman he had once held dear.

A persistent unease gripped him, fuelled by All For One's ominous words: "I can't wait for him to find out! He'll be a magnificent addition to our side." The revelation of a potential son haunted Toshinori Yagi, leaving him with unsettling questions.

If indeed he had a son, he couldn't fault the young one for harbouring resentment, considering the circumstances surrounding his absence. However, the cryptic statement about being a "magnificent addition" puzzled him. What dark intentions lurked behind those words?

All Might, born quirkless, presumed that his hypothetical son would share the same fate. Yet, the mention of a potential addition to the villainous side raised troubling possibilities. Could the League of Villains be planning to forcibly grant a quirk, transforming the young one into a mindless Nomu? The mere thought sent a shudder through him, prompting a wave of concern for the unknown son.

Then a sudden realization struck him—the boy might possess Dalia's quirk. The memory of Dalia, with her breezy air-type aerokinesis ability, resurfaced after years of being buried. The connection clicked in his mind.

Air. Aerokinesis.

A surge of recognition swept over All Might. There was a boy he knew with an aerokinesis quirk. An extremely powerful one.

If he didnt do something soon, society was fucked.


Kenzo insisted that his body had mostly healed, prompting him to embark on a run at the crack of dawn. This decision came merely a week after enduring the agony of multiple broken bones and grappling with internal bleeding from a perforated lung.

The brisk breeze of Mustafu city danced through his golden hair, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of his AirPods as he rounded the corner of a row of shops.

He had a lot on his mind. The League of villains, All Might's supposed son, and the fact that Nezu had requested he start going on patrol, to get rid of suspicion from the public. So he could look like a real hero. Running through the city helped him feel at peace

Navigating the busy streets, deeply immersed in his thoughts, Kenzo abruptly collided with another person. A scattering of belongings ensued, prompting Kenzo to instinctively bend down to retrieve them.

"I'm so sorry; I should've looked where I was going—" he began, only to find himself momentarily transfixed as his gaze met hers. A sudden stillness enveloped him, captivated by her beauty.

"It's okay," she reassured with a gentle smile, her voice soft and soothing.

As she accepted her books from Kenzo's outstretched hands, a small yet enchanting smile played on her lips. Her white and red hair framed her face, accentuating the quiet intelligence reflected in her large grey eyes shielded by sizable glasses. Despite being a head shorter than Kenzo, she exuded a composed aura in her business attire.

Attempting to regain his composure, Kenzo offered, "I... Can I make this up to you?"

Curiosity danced in her melodic voice as she responded, "How so?"

"Coffee? I know a place if you're not too busy" Kenzo asked, running a hand through his golden hair, trying to look cool.

"I can do coffee," she smiled, delicately tucking a strand of hair behind her jewelry-adorned ear. "My shift starts in an hour, so I'm pretty free."

"Great," Kenzo grinned wide, reminiscent of a child on Christmas morning.

The duo headed to a quaint coffee shop in the town center and settled into a cozy booth. Kenzo, maintaining the role of a gentleman, took care of the order and payment.

"I just realized I never asked for your name," Kenzo remarked as he passed her the coffee, settling into the seat opposite her.

"It's Fuyumi. Todoroki Fuyumi," she replied with a grin, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Todoroki? As in Endeavor's daughter?" Kenzo's eyes widened in surprise. She nodded in confirmation. "That's crazy! I teach your brother, Shoto. I'm Ikari—"

"Ikari Kenzo. Or Aero. I know who you are," she said casually, taking another sip of her coffee, leaving Kenzo momentarily speechless. Unsure of how to proceed in the presence of such charm, he allowed her to continue.

"I've seen you on the news, and Shoto likes you a lot," she added with a polite smile.

Kenzo, still slightly taken aback, managed to regain his composure. "Shoto's a great kid. I enjoy teaching him."

Fuyumi chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "He talks about your classes all the time. Says you make learning fun."

Kenzo felt a warm glow of pride. "Well, I try my best. Teaching can be challenging, but students like Shoto make it worthwhile."

Fuyumi took another sip of her coffee, her gaze thoughtful. "So, Aero, what brings you to this side of town for a morning run?"

Kenzo scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "Just needed to clear my head, you know? Running helps me think."

Fuyumi leaned back, her expression understanding. "I get it. Sometimes you need a break from the chaos. It's nice to have moments of peace."

The conversation flowed easily between them, moving from teaching to hobbies, and before they knew it, the coffee shop began to fill with the morning crowd.

"I hate to cut this short, but I need to get ready for my shift at the school," Fuyumi said, checking the time on her phone.

Kenzo nodded. "No problem. It was great talking to you, Fuyumi."

"Likewise, Aero. Maybe we can do this again sometime." She flashed a warm smile before gathering her things.

As he watched her leave the coffee shop, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a newfound lightness in his chest. 

(1109 words)

All Might - This guy could be a danger to society he's powerful and we have to make sure he stays on our side

Kenzo - Dude this chick is fine but I'm scared of talking to women what if she thinks I'm not cool

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