Chapter 50

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damn i cant believe we're already at chapter 50...

i'm really really really really sorry in advance yall.

(i shed a tear writing this)


Mortis flicked her lighter on and off, the soft click echoing in the quiet alley as she leaned against the cool brick wall. Her crimson hair cascaded around her shoulders like a veil of fire, the vibrant hue standing out against the dimly lit surroundings. Dressed in a sleek black coat that hugged her slender frame, she exuded an air of effortless confidence.

As she took a drag from her cigarette, her sharp green eyes scanned the street with an intensity that belied her casual demeanour. It didn't take long for her to spot her target: Fuyumi Todoroki.

Fuyumi walked with a gentle grace, her steps measured and deliberate as she made her way home from work. She exuded an aura of quiet strength, her soft features illuminated by the gentle glow of the streetlights. Her long, white and red hair cascaded down her back in a cascade of shimmering waves, catching the light with each step she took.

Mortis watched her from the shadows, a mixture of envy and disdain swirling within her chest. She couldn't deny the allure of Fuyumi's beauty, but beneath the surface, there simmered a deep-seated resentment. Fuyumi had everything Mortis wanted: love, affection, and the adoration of the man Mortis desired above all else.

With a silent determination, Mortis crushed out her cigarette beneath her heel and pushed herself away from the wall. It was time to set her plan into motion, to ensure that Fuyumi Todoroki's happiness would be short-lived.

Mortis stepped out of the shadows, her movements silent as she began to follow Fuyumi at a discreet distance. She kept her gaze trained on her target, her mind already calculating the best approach to fulfil her mission.

As Fuyumi walked along the dimly lit street, her thoughts drifted from the cheeky pre-schoolers, to her brothers at home, to Kenzo, her heart fluttering with anticipation at the thought of seeing him again. She was lost in her own world, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows behind her.

Mortis quickened her pace in her high heeled boots, closing the distance between them with predatory precision. With every step, her anticipation grew, fueled by a twisted sense of satisfaction at the prospect of inflicting pain upon her rival.

Finally, as Fuyumi turned a corner, Mortis seized her opportunity. With a swift and decisive moment, she lunged forward, her hand closing around Fuyumi's arm in a vice-like grip.

Startled, Fuyumi turned to face her assailant, her eyes widening in surprise and fear. Before she could react, Mortis pressed a blade against her throat, a sinister smile playing on her red lips.

"Hello, Yumi," Mortis purred, her voice dripping with malice. "We need to have a little chat."

Mortis's grip tightened on Fuyumi's arm, her nails digging into her skin as she dragged her into the shadowy depths of the alleyway. Fuyumi stumbled forward, her heart pounding with fear as she struggled against Mortis's iron grasp.

"Let me go!" Fuyumi cried out, her voice trembling with panic. "Who are you? What do you want?"

Mortis's eyes gleamed with a mixture of rage and anguish, her usual calm demeanor shattered by the intensity of her emotions. "You think you can just waltz in and steal my Kenzo away from me?" she hissed, her voice laced with bitterness. "You think you can take what's mine and get away with it?"

Fuyumi recoiled in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief. "I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, her voice shaking with fear. "Please, just let me go."

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