Chapter 24

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Perched on the edge of his hospital bed, Kenzo scrolled through the overwhelming influx of social media posts and articles, each celebrating his triumph over the Hero Killer. The internet had turned him into a sensation overnight. While he was accustomed to the spotlight, a growing concern gnawed at him — the fear that this newfound visibility might invite unwanted intrusion into his personal life.

Despite Nezu's diligent efforts to silence the Tokyo fight club members and keep his past activities under wraps, Kenzo couldn't shake off the unease lingering within him. A sense of impending doom whispered that another leak was inevitable. With Hawks already on his trail, the imminent threat of exposure kept Kenzo on edge. He knew that this façade was essential, a shield to protect Shin and thwart the league's sinister plans.

Perhaps it was time to sever these connections. To break away from Shin, shielding him from the League's pursuit. To resign from his teaching position and step back from the hero life. Once more.


Kenzo Ikari stood at the podium in front of a sea of flashing cameras and eager journalists. The press conference, scheduled for the day after his solo takedown of Stain, was a whirlwind of curiosity and admiration. Dressed in a crisp black suit that complemented his golden hair and piercing blue eyes, he exuded a mix of confidence and exhaustion.

The room buzzed with anticipation as reporters raised their hands, eager to fire questions at the young hero who had become an overnight sensation. Kenzo adjusted the microphone and took a deep breath, preparing to face the barrage of inquiries.

"Firstly, thank you all for being here," he began, his voice steady. "I'll do my best to address your questions."

The first question came from a veteran reporter, "Kenzo, you managed to take down the Hero Killer Stain on your own, a feat many other heroes have attempted and failed. Can you tell us about your strategy and how you approached the situation differently?"

Kenzo leaned into the microphone, "Stain was a formidable opponent, and I knew I had to be strategic. I focused on exploiting his weaknesses and minimizing the risks. It was a combination of quick thinking and understanding his patterns that allowed me to succeed."

The next question came from a curious journalist, "You're only 18 years old, yet you've achieved what seasoned heroes couldn't. How do you explain your success at such a young age?"

A hint of weariness crossed Kenzo's face before he responded, "Age doesn't always correlate with experience. I've been through challenging situations that forced me to grow quickly. My powers and training played a crucial role in facing Stain head-on."

The room erupted with more questions, and Kenzo fielded inquiries about any involvement of other heroes in his battle with Stain. "No other heroes were directly involved," he clarified. "I took on Stain alone, and my focus was on resolving the situation swiftly."

A daring journalist shifted gears, "Kenzo, can you tell us about your romantic life? There have been rumors circulating, and fans are eager to know."

Caught slightly off guard, Kenzo managed a small smile. "My personal life is just that – personal. I'm here to discuss my hero work, not my romantic endeavors. Let's keep the focus on the mission and the challenges we face as a society."

The press continued to probe, asking about any injuries he sustained during the battle. Kenzo admitted to a few cuts and bruises but downplayed the extent. "It's all part of the job. I'm healing well, and I'll be back in action soon."

A seasoned reporter asked for advice for aspiring heroes. Kenzo's eyes brightened as he shared his thoughts, "Stay true to your convictions, keep honing your abilities, and never underestimate the importance of teamwork. Heroes are not defined by their powers alone but by their commitment to justice."

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