Chapter 27

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Kenzo followed Shin into the bathroom, the prospect of dying his best friend's hair offering a bizarre yet necessary distraction from the chaos surrounding them. The room was filled with the scent of chemicals as Shin spread an old towel around his shoulders, a makeshift cape to protect his clothes.

"Alright, dude. This is going to be weird," Shin remarked, handing Kenzo a pair of gloves. "But we gotta make this believable."

Kenzo nodded, his mind still clouded with the remnants of the emotional storm. He put on the gloves and held the hair dye in his hands, feeling an odd mix of absurdity and camaraderie. As he started applying the dye, Shin winced at the cold sensation, prompting Kenzo to stifle a chuckle.

"Man, you're really doing this," Kenzo remarked, the surreal nature of the situation sinking in.

Shin shot him a mock glare. "Yeah, yeah. It better be worth it. I've been growing my hair for months."

As they continued the impromptu hair-dying session, the camaraderie between them began to overshadow the earlier tension. Laughter and banter filled the small bathroom, a temporary escape from the weight of the scandal waiting beyond the walls.

Once the dye was applied, they waited in silence, the air thick with anticipation. Kenzo couldn't help but appreciate Shin's willingness to go to such lengths for him. It was a testament to the strength of their friendship.

After what felt like an eternity, they rinsed out the dye, revealing Shin's newly darkened hair. It was a stark contrast to his usual appearance, but strangely fitting for the role they were playing. He looked like a hot emo artist, something Kenzo couldn't help but tease him about.

After drying it, Shin examined himself in the mirror, a mix of amusement and disbelief on his face. "Well, this is different."

Kenzo couldn't help but grin. "You're a real one, Shin. Seriously, thanks."

"Don't mention it. We need to get our stories straight, though. You're good with the press, not me," Shin said, his tone shifting to a more serious note as he pulled his coat on.

Kenzo nodded, pulling his shoes on and protesting when Shin pounced on him with a hairbrush, skillfully wrestling the knots out of his tangled hair.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while," Shin remarked, his tone lightening, "You looked homeless."

"Gee, thanks, dude," Kenzo stood, pulling his jacket on, "I wonder what my colleagues at UA think about all this."

"That you're a whore."

"Wow, thanks, Shin. You always know what to say," Kenzo replied dryly, scanning the room for any of his belongings.

Shin swung the door open, and the duo swiftly made their way to the lifts, grateful that the paparazzi hadn't infiltrated the building yet.

As the elevator descended to the ground floor, Kenzo mentally prepared himself, pulling his hood up, and Shin secured a mask over the lower half of his face.

"This better work," Shin muttered, partially pulling up his hood to reveal a few tufts of black hair at the front.

Exiting the elevator, they nodded at the reception staff who paused to stare. Pushing through the large front doors, Kenzo was met with blinding camera flashes from the crowd outside. The reporters clamored for a glimpse of the mysterious black-haired companion accompanying their beloved hero.

Holding onto Shin's sleeve, Kenzo guided him through the swarm of reporters, attempting to drown out the intrusive questions bombarding them.

"Aero, is that the villain Dabi?" shouted one persistent reporter, thrusting a microphone toward Kenzo.

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