Chapter 8

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The following day, Kenzo found himself within the basement of the Support Course building at UA, deep in contemplation of the life choices that had led him to this particular juncture.

Despite his relative obscurity in the external world, within the confines of UA, he held the status of a celebrity. His images adorned numerous classrooms, encapsulating the dynamic moments of his triumphs. On multiple monitors scattered throughout the support labs, live playbacks showcased his victories, especially those iconic moments of him emerging triumphant in the prestigious sports festivals.

Now, his attention was diverted to a particularly enthusiastic first-year student, Mei Hatsume, who had taken it upon herself to design his hero costume. However, her enthusiasm seemed inversely proportional to her understanding of personal space and consent.

As she fervently measured and adjusted, Mei couldn't contain her excitement. "And when I heard that THE KENZO IKARI was back at UA, I was like, oh my god, I'm the biggest fan! I totally want to design your hero costume!"

Kenzo offered a noncommittal hum, his mind drifting away from the ongoing ramble.

"Then, I thought I could base your costume on your old one! But it was kinda skin-tight and not really in fashion anymore. OMG! I'm totally gonna add loads of support items onto it. It's gonna be awesome!"

The whirring of machines and Mei's energetic tinkering served as a backdrop to his introspection. As she adjusted a gadget on the prospective costume, Mei animatedly shared her grand ideas.

"And imagine, with this enhancement, your speed and agility will be off the charts! Oh, and I've got this brilliant idea for retractable wings that—"

"Hatsume," Kenzo interjected, finally breaking his silence, "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let's keep it practical. I don't need anything flashy. Just something functional and inconspicuous."

Mei blinked, momentarily taken aback. "But you're THE Kenzo Ikari! You can't have a dull costume. It's gotta be extraordinary!"

Kenzo sighed, realizing that convincing Mei to tone down her creativity might be a futile endeavor. "Okay, let's find a middle ground. Something practical yet distinctive."

Mei's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she eagerly resumed her work, seemingly unfazed by the compromise. The process continued, with Kenzo occasionally providing input to guide the design in a more pragmatic direction.

As Mei meticulously worked on the costume, Kenzo couldn't help but marvel at the technological advancements in hero gear since his departure. The support course had evolved significantly, and Mei's creations showcased the cutting-edge innovations that had become integral to hero costumes.

Once the design session concluded, Kenzo found himself outfitted in a new hero costume, one that retained a semblance of his iconic look but incorporated Mei's ingenious modifications. The practical enhancements were discreet, emphasizing functionality over flamboyance.

Kenzo's new hero costume was a masterful blend of sleek aesthetics and cutting-edge functionality. The dark hues exuded a sense of mystery and sophistication, perfectly aligned with Kenzo's enigmatic persona.

The bodysuit, crafted from state-of-the-art materials, offered a balance between flexibility and durability. The deep navy blue fabric clung to his form, accentuating his athleticism without compromising on comfort. Intricate, electric blue lines traversed the contours of the suit, adding a touch of modernity and enhancing its visual appeal.

The chest emblem, a stylized "A" reminiscent of his insignia, took centre stage on the suit. Illuminated with subtle LED accents, it served both as a symbol of identity and a tactical element, allowing Kenzo to control the brightness for strategic purposes.

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