Chapter 46

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As Kenzo woke up the next morning, his head throbbing from the remnants of last night's indulgence, he reached into his pocket and felt something crumpled. Pulling it out, he unfolded the paper, his bleary eyes struggling to focus on the messy handwriting scrawled across it.

The contents of the note sent a shockwave through his hungover haze:


Hey Kenzo,

I was planning on fighting you in advance so I could give you this. I've been told I'm pretty good at bruising cheekbones so I'm sorry for that. I hope you'll understand why I had to do this. You need to know what's really going on and I'm being watched.

The League's been planning something big. I've been gathering intel on them for a while, and I've got some info to share:

- Those quirk-cancelling bullets are no joke. They dispatched the gunman near you, and lured you in under the pretence you were saving a woman

- There's a way to reverse their effects and get your quirk back. I've included the details below.

- They know who your dad is and are gonna try to use that to manipulate you to join their side

- Keep an eye out for 2 weeks, it's when they're planning to strike.

Stay safe, Kenzo. You know what to do.


Beneath the note, there were detailed instructions on countering the quirk-cancelling bullets and regaining his lost quirk. But it was the cryptic message about the planned attack date that sent a chill down Kenzo's spine. He realised that this was precisely the information Shigaraki had been desperate to keep from him.

Despite the headache pounding in his temples and the haze of regret clouding his thoughts, Kenzo's senses sharpened with a newfound sense of urgency. He knew he had to act fast, not just for his own sake, but for the safety of everyone he cared about. Folding the note carefully, Kenzo tucked it away, his mind racing with plans to confront the looming threat posed by the League of Villains.

Kenzo sat on the edge of his bed, the crumpled note from Hawks clutched tightly in his hand. Despite the throbbing ache in his head and the cottony fog in his mind, he knew he had to focus on the task at hand – regaining his lost quirk. With a determined exhale, he began to decipher Hawks' instructions.

"Okay," Kenzo muttered to himself, squinting at the sloppily scrawled handwriting. "Step one: strain my quirk like I would normally use it... for hours on end."

He closed his eyes, trying to envision himself in action, tapping into the wellspring of power that he had taken for granted for so long. With a mental effort, he attempted to replicate the sensation of using his quirk, pushing himself as though he were in the midst of a fierce battle.

Minutes passed, and Kenzo's brow furrowed with concentration. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, trickling down his temples in rivulets. The strain of exerting himself without his quirk was evident, each muscle in his body tense with effort.

"I've got to keep going," Kenzo muttered through gritted teeth, his determination overriding the discomfort. "If this is what it takes to get my quirk back, then so be it."

He pushed himself further, his entire body trembling with the effort of maintaining the illusion of using his quirk. Sweat soaked through his clothes, plastering them to his skin as he continued to strain against the invisible barrier that separated him from his powers.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kenzo fell to his , gasping for breath and drenched in sweat. But amidst the exhaustion and discomfort, there was a glimmer of hope – a faint tingling sensation in his fingertips, a sign that his efforts had not been in vain.

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