Chapter 15

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You may have noticed that Kenzo's past remains shrouded in mystery.

This deliberate silence is not an oversight by the author but a show of Kenzo's deep secrecy. Behind the glamorous façade of advertisements, successful campaigns, and UA stardom, lies a traumatic chapter of Kenzo's life—one he guards with utmost vigilance.

Within a spacious home in Hosu City, Kenzo grappled with a hellish home life. His stepfather, mother, and two stepbrothers made a family that, to an outsider, might've seemed ideal. However, the truth lurking beneath the surface painted a starkly different picture.

A backdrop of abuse and assault defined Kenzo's days within the Ikari household. The walls of that expansive house concealed secrets that Kenzo would carry to his grave. The scars, both visible and concealed, bore witness to a painful past that eventually led him to make the decision to sever ties with the Ikari family.

Kenzo's family history was marked by abandonment and desperate attempts at securing a stable life. His father had left his pregnant mother alone in a modest house in Jaku City. Despite the challenging circumstances, Kenzo's mother, a woman of striking beauty with blonde hair and captivating brown eyes, was determined to provide her unborn child with a perfect life.

In her pursuit of financial stability, Kenzo's mother frequented upscale bars and hotels, where fate led her to encounter a wealthy yet arrogant man. A marriage ensued, and the blended family, including the man's two sons, Harushi and Ren, moved into a spacious residence in Hosu City. For a while, they presented the facade of a perfect, happy family.

However, the illusion shattered when Kenzo's stepfather's business was exposed for illegal activities and scams. Frustrated and demoralized by his failed career, he turned to alcohol, unleashing his anger on Kenzo's mother. The abuse, starting sporadically, escalated over time. Tragically, Kenzo's mother succumbed to substance abuse, leaving behind a shattered family.

With his mother gone, Kenzo became the new target of his stepfather's violent outbursts. The first incident, etched vividly in his memory, involved a half-full bottle of Hennessy hurled at the back of his eight-year-old head. Seeking refuge with his stepbrother Harushi, Kenzo faced a stoic response and a thrown towel to mop up the blood.

"Take this, then get out of my room. You're getting blood on my floor," Harushi had uttered with a detached and indifferent demeanour.

A few years later, when Kenzo reached the age of ten, he found himself alone on his birthday with no one to celebrate it with. Determined to find joy, he decided to visit the park, drawn to the memories of his mother pushing him on the swings. Braving the drizzling rain in his wellies and raincoat, he ran through the park and hopped onto a swing. Though not as enjoyable without his mother's playful pushes, these moments offered a fleeting sense of happiness to the young boy.

However, this brief happiness was abruptly interrupted as Kenzo walked home through the market. A sudden screech seized his attention, and turning around, he witnessed a distressing scene – a woman being assaulted by a larger man. Helpless and afraid, Kenzo empathized with her plight, recalling his own experiences. At just ten years old, armed with a quirk he couldn't control, he could do nothing but watch the unsettling scene unfold.

In a moment of serendipity, a hero arrived on the scene. Tall and blonde, bearing a resemblance to Kenzo, the hero exuded confidence with a big smile and a charming demeanour. A radiant glow surrounded him, and his sunny aura seemed to declare, 'Have no fear! I am here.' Witnessing the hero's intervention in awe, The little blonde boy had made a solemn promise to himself – he would become a hero, a beacon of hope like All Might, dedicated to saving people when they were most afraid.

Yet, he had faltered in that pursuit as well. After all, his best friend Hana had met a tragic end, alone and terrified. And the weight of responsibility for her demise rested squarely on his shoulders.


Awakening in a cold sweat, Kenzo rolled over, clutching his head. Another night plagued by haunting dreams of the past incident. Deciding to shake off the lingering unease, he opted for a quick cold shower and dressed in sweatpants paired with a tank top. The early hours beckoned him for a run, a solitary activity he often found solace in.

Dressed for the jog, he stepped into the morning chill, the anticipation of the students waking at 5 am giving him an hour of precious quiet. Exiting the building, he ventured into the forest, guided by a familiar circular path etched in his memory from a previous test of courage during his time at UA.

As he set off on his jog, the rhythmic beat of his footsteps accompanied by the melodic tunes streaming through his airpods, he embraced the serene surroundings. The dewy grass soaked his socks, but the tranquil atmosphere enveloped him in a sense of calm.

The forest was alive with the soft sounds of nature, a symphony of rustling leaves and distant chirping birds. Kenzo's steady pace carried him along the familiar path, each step a rhythmic beat in harmony with the tranquil melody of the woods.

As he jogged, he allowed his mind to wander, contemplating the events that had brought him to this point. The memories of his troubled past lingered like ghosts in the corners of his thoughts. The dream, a recurring nightmare, still haunted his nights, and the weight of guilt pressed heavily on his shoulders.

Yet, in the midst of the forest, surrounded by the beauty of nature, Kenzo found a temporary respite. The cool breeze brushed against his skin, and the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees created a dance of shadows on the forest floor. The rhythmic thud of his footsteps became a meditative cadence, a grounding force amid the turmoil within.

As he rounded a bend in the trail, a familiar landmark came into view—a small clearing bathed in the soft glow of the early morning sun. The sight triggered a cascade of memories from his time at UA. The forest, once a place of trials and tests, had also been witness to moments of camaraderie and growth.

Kenzo slowed his pace, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty around him. The echoes of laughter from past experiences seemed to linger in the air, offering a bittersweet contrast to the weight of his recent nightmares. He closed his eyes, drawing in a deep breath, and let the tranquility of the forest seep into his being.

The run had served its purpose—clearing his mind and grounding his thoughts. With a renewed sense of determination, Kenzo picked up the pace, completing the circuit before the students stirred from their slumber.

Returning to the campsite, the first rays of the morning sun breaking through the canopy, Kenzo felt a subtle shift within. The forest had offered a sanctuary, if only temporary, and now he was ready to face the challenges of the day with a measure of calm restored.

(1164 words)

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