Chapter 63

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The next morning, Kenzo awoke with a heavy heart, the events of the previous day still weighing heavily on his mind. Determined to face whatever lay ahead, he dragged himself out of bed and prepared for the day ahead.

After a quick shower and a meagre breakfast, Kenzo gathered his resolve and retrieved his hero costume from his closet. With his costume draped over his arm, Kenzo made his way to the Support Course block, where Mei Hatsume and the Power Loader were already hard at work. He greeted them with a nod and a small smile, the tension from the previous night still lingering in his shoulders.

"Hey Mei, Power Loader," Kenzo greeted, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I need a few adjustments to my costume. Can you help me out?"

Mei beamed at the challenge, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Of course, Aero! We're always up for a challenge," she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Kenzo outlined his requests, explaining that he wanted his costume to be black and navy blue instead of its current light blue hue. He also requested additional sheaths for weapons and some extra armour plating over his vital areas for added protection.

Mei nodded eagerly, already mentally mapping out the modifications. "Consider it done! Give us an hour, and your costume will be ready for action," she assured him, her voice brimming with confidence.

With a sense of relief washing over him, Kenzo thanked Mei and the Power Loader before heading off to kill time for the next hour, his mind already drifting back to the weighty responsibilities awaiting him.

Kenzo ventured outside, the warmth of the morning sun embracing him as he found solace under the shade of a towering tree near the football courts. The rhythmic sounds of distant students' laughter and the occasional thud of the ball against the ground filled the air, creating a comforting backdrop to his thoughts.

As fatigue washed over him, Kenzo succumbed to a brief respite, his eyelids growing heavy as he drifted into a light slumber. Time seemed to slip away in the gentle embrace of sleep, the worries and burdens of the world momentarily forgotten.

When he finally stirred from his rest, the warmth of the sun still lingering on his skin, Kenzo found himself greeted by the sight of Shin and the students of Class 1-A engaged in a lively game of football. Their laughter echoed across the courtyard, carrying with it a sense of camaraderie and joy that was infectious.

Pushing himself up from the ground, Kenzo rubbed the sleep from his eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he watched the spirited match unfold before him. As he neared the players, he was greeted by the sound of laughter and the rhythmic thud of feet against the ground.

Shin, acting as the referee, blew his whistle to signal the start of the match, his voice carrying over the excited chatter of the students. "Alright, everyone! Let's keep it fair and fun," he called out, his tone firm but playful.

The students of Class 1-A were divided into two teams, each determined to outmanoeuvre the other and claim victory. Mina dribbled the ball skillfully down the field, her determination evident in the focused expression on her face.

"Mina, on your left!" Uraraka shouted, her voice filled with encouragement as she sprinted alongside her teammate.

Ashido swiftly passed the ball to Uraraka, who deftly manoeuvred around a defender and made a precision pass to Kirishima. The redhead charged forward with unmatched enthusiasm, his eyes alight with determination.

But just as Kirishima reached the goal, Iida intercepted the ball with lightning speed, thwarting the attempt and sending the ball soaring into the air.

Aero (a BNHA OC story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें