Chapter 48

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As Kenzo was about to slip into his pajamas, he heard the doorbell ring. Curious, he made his way to the entrance of his penthouse and opened the door, only to be engulfed in a tight hug by Shin.

"Kenz, dude, I saw your Instagram post!" Shin exclaimed, his excitement palpable as he jumped up and down. "I can't believe you're dating Fuyumi! This is amazing!"

Kenzo couldn't help but chuckle at Shin's exuberance, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm. "Yeah, it's pretty great," he admitted, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Come on in, Shin. Let's celebrate!"

Shin grinned from ear to ear as he followed Kenzo inside, his excitement infectious. They spent the evening reminiscing about old times and catching up on each other's lives, their laughter echoing through the spacious penthouse.

As the night wore on, Kenzo and Shin decided to have a sleepover, just like old times. They grabbed blankets and pillows, settling in on the couch with a stack of movies and snacks, enjoying each other's company well into the early hours of the morning.

As Kenzo drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the comfort of his penthouse, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the people in his life who made even the simplest moments feel special. And as he closed his eyes, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always have his friends by his side, supporting him every step of the way.


As the morning light filtered through the windows of his penthouse, Kenzo slowly stirred from his sleep, his mind still foggy with drowsiness. But as he fully awakened, a sudden realisation struck him like a bolt of lightning – today was the day of his step dad's funeral.

With a heavy sigh, Kenzo dragged himself out of bed, the weight of the day's events settling on his shoulders. He knew he had agreed to attend the funeral out of a sense of obligation, despite the complicated and strained relationship he had with his stepdad.

After a quick shower to clear his mind and prepare himself for the solemn occasion, Kenzo emerged from the bathroom, clad in a sleek black suit that hugged his frame perfectly. He took extra care in styling his hair impeccably, wanting to present himself with dignity and respect.

As he glanced over at the couch where Shin was still peacefully sleeping, Kenzo felt a pang of guilt for leaving his friend behind. But he knew this was something he had to face alone.

Leaving a note for Shin, Kenzo quietly slipped out of the penthouse, the weight of his grief and unresolved emotions pressing down on him. As he made his way to the funeral, he couldn't help but wonder what emotions the day would bring and how he would navigate the complexities of saying goodbye to a man who had played such a complicated role in his life.

As the cab pulled up to the funeral venue, Kenzo took a deep breath to steady himself before stepping out onto the pavement. The sombre atmosphere of the occasion enveloped him as he made his way inside, his steps measured and deliberate.

Keeping his head low and his gaze fixed on the ground, Kenzo quietly slipped into the back of the venue, trying to remain inconspicuous despite being the number 4 hero. He found a seat in the far corner, away from the prying eyes of the other mourners.

As he settled into his seat, Kenzo couldn't help but notice the presence of Harushi and Ren, his two stepbrothers, sitting a few rows ahead. The sight of them brought a flood of memories rushing back – memories of a tumultuous childhood marked by pain and neglect.

Kenzo's relationship with his step brothers had always been strained, their indifference to his suffering during their father's abuse leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. But despite their troubled past, seeing them there now, mourning the same man who had caused them all so much pain, stirred a complicated mix of emotions within him.

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