Chapter 56

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"Toya is dead. Take that back," Endeavour growled, his eyes blazing with fury and disbelief.

"I'm alive!" Dabi retorted, his laughter echoing across the battlefield as he threw his hands up in a dramatic flourish. His movements were like a macabre performance, a twisted display of defiance. "This is the undeniable truth, ENDEAVOUR!"

"Toya died-"

"Sekoto peak huh? I would show you a DNA test, but there's no need. I've already shown it to the nation on live television!" Dabi interrupted, his words cutting through the tension like a knife.

Kenzo's eyes darted between the trio from where he crouched, his mind racing to make sense of the revelation. The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place as he recalled Endeavour's cryptic mention of a shrine dedicated to his oldest son. If Dabi was Endeavour's son, then that meant-

"Oh yeah, Aero, you might want to listen to this too!" Dabi's voice pierced through the chaos, drawing Kenzo's attention. "That girl, Mortis, she's crazy! Like she's actually insane! It was easy to manipulate her into killing my father's only daughter."

The blood drained from Kenzo's face as the gravity of Dabi's words sank in. His mind reeled, struggling to process the horrifying truth. Dabi was responsible for Fuyumi's death. The realisation hit him like a physical blow, leaving him numb with shock and anger.

From the corner of his eye, Kenzo saw Endeavour falter, leaning heavily onto his son's shoulder for support. Shoto's hands flew to his mouth in horror, his expression mirroring Kenzo's own disbelief.

Dabi's words cut through the air like a knife, each accusation slicing through the already tense atmosphere with ruthless precision. "Heroes, always so selfish and greedy," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Endeavour, the great symbol of peace, abusing his wife and kids, all in the name of being a hero."

Endeavour stood frozen, his usually imposing figure rendered speechless by the shocking revelations. His mind raced, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of Dabi's claims. This couldn't be his son. It couldn't be true. But the weight of Dabi's accusations bore down on him like a crushing weight, leaving him reeling with disbelief and shame.

Kenzo's fists clenched at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as a wave of anger surged through him. Dabi was the reason the love of his life was dead, and now he stood there, spewing accusations without a shred of remorse. It took every ounce of Kenzo's willpower to restrain himself from charging at the villain, to channel his rage into something productive rather than succumbing to the overwhelming urge to lash out.

Around them, the reactions of the heroes and members of the League varied, each one processing Dabi's words through their own lens of understanding and experience. Shock, disbelief, and uncertainty painted the faces of those gathered, their once clear-cut perceptions of heroism and villainy blurred by the revelation of long-held secrets and hidden truths.

Amidst the chaos, Dabi remained unfazed, his smirk widening as he revelled in the turmoil he had unleashed. To him, it was all a game, a twisted dance of manipulation and deceit designed to tear down the pillars of hero society brick by brick. And as he watched the heroes grapple with the shattered illusions of their own righteousness, he knew that his mission was far from over.

"And let's not forget about the Number 2 hero, Hawks," he continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "The so-called golden boy who's nothing more than a puppet for the government. He's the one responsible for Best Jeanist's disappearance, pulling the strings behind the scenes while parading around as a hero."

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