Chapter 64

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As Kenzo descended the stairs the next morning, a sense of relief washed over him when he spotted Aizawa in the kitchen. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of his mentor, who stood leaning against the countertop with a tired yet welcoming smile.

"Morning, Eraser," Kenzo greeted, a hint of joy evident in his voice as he approached Aizawa.

Aizawa returned the greeting with a nod, his single visible eye reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and determination. "Morning, Kenzo," he replied, his voice gravelly but warm.

Kenzo couldn't help but notice the changes in Aizawa's appearance—the metal leg and the eyepatch, souvenirs from his recent battle against the League of Villains. Despite the injuries, Aizawa's presence brought a sense of comfort and familiarity.

"How are you feeling?" Kenzo asked, concern lacing his words as he reached for a mug and poured himself some coffee.

Aizawa shrugged nonchalantly, though there was a flicker of pain in his expression. "I've been better," he admitted with a wry smile. "But I'm alive, and that's what matters."

"I'm glad you're back," Kenzo said earnestly, a smile spreading across his face. "The students missed you. They've also been bragging to every class in the school about how cool their form teacher is. They found out about the leg thing. 1-B is absolutely sick of it."

Aizawa chuckled, his eyes lighting up at the thought. "You and Nakamura must've had your hands full with these problem children. How's everything been while I was away?" Aizawa inquired, stirring his coffee with a metal spoon.

Kenzo hesitated for a moment before replying, his gaze dropping to the swirling patterns in his own coffee mug. "It's been... challenging," he admitted, his voice tinged with reluctance. "With everything that's been happening in the city, I've been pulled in different directions. But Shin loves the kids. He spoils them too, lets them play mario kart and watch movies."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable behind his eyepatch. "The students mentioned you haven't been around much," he remarked casually, though there was a hint of concern in his tone.

Kenzo sighed, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. "Yeah, I've had... other responsibilities," he replied vaguely, choosing his words carefully.

Aizawa regarded him with a penetrating gaze, his single visible eye narrowing slightly. "You know you can talk to me, right?" he said softly, his voice carrying a gentle reassurance. "Whatever's going on, I'm here for you."

Kenzo met Aizawa's gaze, a mixture of gratitude and apprehension swirling within him. As much as he wanted to confide in him, there were some things he couldn't share—not yet, at least.

"I appreciate that, Sensei," Kenzo replied sincerely, offering Aizawa a small smile.

Aizawa nodded in understanding, though there was a flicker of concern in his expression. "Just remember, Kenzo," he said quietly, his voice carrying a note of caution. "You can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. Sometimes, it's okay to ask for help."

Kenzo nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of gratitude swelling within him. With Aizawa's sage advice echoing in his mind, he knew that he didn't have to face his challenges alone.

As Kenzo stepped into the common room, the eclectic mix of activities underway greeted him with a familiar sense of warmth and camaraderie. Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari were huddled around the TV, their animated shouts and laughter filling the air as they raced against each other in Mario Kart.

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