Chapter 11

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Sprawled on the staff room sofa a few days later, Kenzo reflected on the week. Despite initial challenges with Class 1-A, the subsequent lessons had gone surprisingly well. Additional security measures around Shin's residence and art studio provided a sense of relief, ensuring his friend's safety. Overall, things seemed to be on the right track.

However, the looming debut as a hero, scheduled for the following week, weighed heavily on Kenzo's mind. Nezu had planned a press conference to make a public announcement about his return to heroics. The dual purpose was clear – not only to officially introduce Kenzo as a hero but also to send a clear message to the villains that their offer had been firmly rejected.

As Kenzo lounged on the sofa, Aizawa strolled into the staff room, eyeing him with a raised brow.

"Aizawa, you missed my epic battle with Bakugo the other day," Kenzo remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Aizawa, leaning against a nearby table, deadpanned, "I'm sure it was riveting."

"Oh, it was. Explosions and everything. The kids loved it," Kenzo chuckled.

Aizawa sighed, "Just try not to cause too much chaos. I don't need more paperwork."

Kenzo grinned, "No promises, Aizawa."

Meanwhile, Midnight joined the conversation, swivelling round on her bar stool at the far end of the room. "Ikari, darling, I heard you're debuting next week. Ready to steal the spotlight?"

Kenzo sighed dramatically, "I'd rather stay in the shadows, but Nezu insists on a grand announcement."

Midnight winked, "Well, make it dramatic. We'll be watching."

With a mock salute, Kenzo replied, "Understood, ma'am."

As the banter continued, Kenzo couldn't shake the feeling that despite the challenges, this return to heroism might be more eventful than he initially anticipated.


The grand hall was abuzz with the hum of camera shutters, the soft murmur of journalists, and the lingering anticipation of a significant announcement. Kenzo Ikari, now Pro Hero Aero, stood behind the polished wooden podium, bathed in the glow of numerous spotlights. His appearance was striking, a blend of casual elegance and understated heroism. His blonde hair, neatly combed, framed a face marked by determination, the kind that comes from years of experience.

Dressed in a midnight-blue hero costume, the sleek design accentuated his toned physique. The suit, a modern twist on classic hero attire, bore the emblem of Aero—a stylized winged motif embroidered in silver thread. Kenzo exuded a sense of calm confidence, the kind earned through battles fought and lessons learned.

The room fell into expectant silence as Nezu, the diminutive principal of UA, stepped forward to introduce the returning hero. "Ladies and gentlemen of the press, esteemed colleagues, it is my pleasure to present to you Pro Hero Aero, also known as Kenzo Ikari. Today, he returns to the hero scene, and UA is honored to have him back."

A burst of flashes illuminated the room as Kenzo nodded in acknowledgment. The questions began almost immediately, a barrage aimed at unraveling the mystery behind his hiatus and subsequent return.

"Kenzo, can you shed some light on why you decided to step away from hero duties for a period?" inquired a seasoned reporter, her pen poised.

Kenzo's expression remained composed as he responded, "Certainly. Life takes us on unexpected journeys. I took a step back to reassess my priorities, to find a deeper meaning in the pursuit of heroism. It was a personal choice, one that allowed me to grow and reflect."

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