UA days 2 (part 2)

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After enduring a few more lessons, the school day finally drew to a close. Kenzo gathered his belongings and made his way out of the classroom, eager to escape the confines of the school grounds and head home.

As he stepped through the front door of his house, he noticed his stepfather slouched in the living room, a half-empty bottle of whiskey clutched in his hand. Kenzo's heart sank at the sight, knowing all too well the unpredictable mood swings that often accompanied his stepfather's drinking.

Hastily, Kenzo tiptoed past the living room, his breath caught in his throat as he prayed not to draw his stepfather's attention. With each creak of the stairs, his anxiety grew, the tension in the air palpable.

Finally reaching the sanctuary of his bedroom, Kenzo let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door behind him, turning the lock with trembling hands. Safe within the confines of his room, he collapsed onto his bed, his mind swirling with a mix of exhaustion and apprehension.

As the evening wore on, the distant sound of his stepfather's drunken ramblings echoed through the house, a constant reminder of the tumultuous environment in which Kenzo found himself trapped. Yet within the confines of his locked room, he found solace.

That night, Kenzo found himself tossing and turning in his bed, the weight of his thoughts weighing heavily on his mind. Despite his exhaustion, sleep remained elusive, slipping through his grasp like sand through clenched fists.

With a frustrated sigh, Kenzo cast his gaze around the dimly lit room, his eyes eventually landing on the loose floorboard in the corner. His heart sank as he remembered what lay hidden beneath—a stash of marijuana, a crutch he had relied on far too often to numb the pain and quiet the turmoil within.

For months, Kenzo had been trying to break free from the grip of his addiction, to reclaim control over his life and escape the cycle of dependency. Yet each time he vowed to quit, the lure of escape proved too strong, pulling him back into its embrace with an irresistible allure.

Tonight was no different. With a resigned sigh, Kenzo rose from his bed, his footsteps silent as he crossed the room to the corner where the loose floorboard lay. He pried the board loose, revealing the familiar sight of his stash concealed within.

As he reached for the small bag, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him—guilt, shame, but also a sense of desperate longing for the temporary relief it promised. With a heavy heart, Kenzo succumbed to temptation once more, knowing full well the consequences of his actions, yet unable to resist the siren call of escape.

With a sense of resignation, Kenzo retrieved his phone from the bedside table and dialled Dennis's number, his fingers fumbling slightly as he navigated the screen. As the call rang through, Kenzo took another hit from the joint, feeling the familiar rush of euphoria wash over him, momentarily drowning out the chaos of his thoughts.

"Hey, Dennis," Kenzo greeted his friend, his words slightly slurred from the effects of the marijuana. "You up?"

Dennis's voice crackled through the phone, tinged with sleepiness. "Kenzo? What's up, man? It's like, 3 in the morning."

Kenzo chuckled softly, the sound echoing hollowly in the quiet of his room. "Yeah, sorry about that. Couldn't sleep, you know? Just needed someone to talk to."

Dennis's tone shifted, concern evident in his voice. "You okay, Kenzo? You sound... off."

Kenzo hesitated for a moment, grappling with the weight of his emotions. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied with forced nonchalance, though even he could hear the uncertainty in his own voice. "Just... having one of those nights, you know?"

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