Chapter 39

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yall i just realised this chapter is rlly long


The following week flew by in a flurry of preparations and anticipation for Kenzo Ikari. As the day of the prestigious Hero Rankings Ceremony dawned, he found himself standing in front of the mirror in his apartment, adjusting the fit of his sleek hero costume and ensuring that every detail was perfect.

With practised precision, Kenzo smoothed down the vibrant blue fabric of his costume, checking for any wrinkles or imperfections. His golden blonde hair was styled impeccably, framing his chiselled features with a touch of effortless charm. Satisfied with his appearance, he flashed a confident smile at his reflection before turning away.

As he made his way through his apartment, Kenzo took a moment to admire the view from his window. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the bustling city below. It was moments like these that reminded him why he did what he did—why he put his life on the line day after day to protect the people of Mustafu.

But there was no time for introspection now. With a quick glance at the clock, Kenzo grabbed his phone and wallet, tucking them neatly into his pocket before heading out the door. The sound of a car horn echoed in the distance, signalling the arrival of his hired limo.

As Kenzo descended the steps of his apartment building, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. The Hero Ranking Ceremony was one of the most prestigious events of the year, a chance for heroes from all across the country to come together and celebrate their accomplishments.

With a final adjustment to his costume, Kenzo stepped out onto the sidewalk, where the sleek black limo was waiting to whisk him away to the ceremony. As he settled into the plush leather seat, the anticipation of the evening ahead filled him with a sense of pride and determination.

Tonight, Kenzo Ikari would stand among the country's finest heroes, ready to prove himself once again and show the world just what he was capable of. And as the limo pulled away from the curb and began its journey through the bustling streets of Mustafu, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

As Kenzo's limo glided through the city streets, the soft glow of streetlights illuminating the passing scenery, his phone buzzed in his pocket. With a smile, he retrieved it, recognizing the caller ID instantly.

"Hey, Shin," Kenzo answered, his voice laced with warmth and anticipation. "Perfect timing. I was just thinking about you."

"Dude!" Shin's voice came through the line, filled with enthusiasm. "I just wanted to wish you good luck for tonight. You're going to knock 'em dead out there!"

Kenzo chuckled, grateful for his friend's encouragement. "Thanks, Shin. I appreciate it. It means a lot coming from you."

There was a moment of comfortable silence as the two friends basked in each other's company, the distance between them momentarily forgotten.

"So, how are you feeling?" Shin asked, breaking the silence. "Nervous? Excited?"

Kenzo leaned back in his seat, a sense of calm settling over him. "A little bit of both, to be honest," he admitted. "But mostly excited. This is a big night for all of us."

Shin nodded, even though Kenzo couldn't see him. "I know what you mean. It's like the whole continent is buzzing with anticipation. I can't wait to see you up on that stage, taking home the top spot."

Kenzo laughed, the sound full of genuine warmth. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," he said modestly. "Ill be happy to be among the top 500, i'm a relatively new hero after all."

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