Chapter 3

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As Kenzo continued down the dimly lit street, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. His senses were on high alert, every footstep echoing in the quiet night.

He decided to take a detour, leading him through a maze of narrow alleyways and hidden shortcuts. It was a route known only to a few locals, a path he had meticulously memorized over the years. If someone was tailing him, they would have to work hard to keep up.

The streets grew quieter, the only sounds being the distant hum of a few passing cars. 

Finally, he arrived at a secluded spot, hidden away from prying eyes. He turned swiftly, ready to confront whoever had been tailing him. The adrenaline coursed through his veins, his combat training and quirk abilities at the ready.

In that moment, he came face to face with a figure cloaked in shadows, crimson eyes penetrating his soul.

"Aizawa..." For a fleeting moment, Kenzo's usual stoic demeanour wavered, but he swiftly regained his composure.

His former teacher acknowledged him with a nod, pausing briefly before releasing Kenzo from his quirk's influence.

"Ikari. It's somewhat pleasant to see a former pupil of mine flourishing in life," Aizawa remarked, his words laced with sarcasm. Kenzo clenched his fists and buried his hands in his pockets, a faint frown forming on his lips.

"I haven't seen you in a year, and now you're following me on my morning run?" Kenzo's frustration was palpable.

Aizawa paid no heed to the harsh tone in Kenzo's voice.

"I've observed you've made quite a reputation for yourself, especially at the Tokyo Thunder Pit, huh?" Aizawa's words were laced with a hint of provocation, drawing an intense glare from Kenzo. He was on the verge of retorting, but Aizawa spoke before he could.

"Yes, I was there yesterday," Aizawa added, a steely resolve in his gaze, and Kenzo's irritation bubbled up in response.

The silence between the two men lingered, heavy with unspoken tension. Kenzo's mind raced as he tried to make sense of Aizawa's unexpected presence.

Aizawa, still cloaked in shadows, remained eerily composed.

"What brings you here, Aizawa?" Kenzo finally demanded, his tone a mixture of curiosity and annoyance.

Aizawa's eyes, hidden behind dark goggles, bore into Kenzo. "I've been keeping an eye on you, Ikari. Your rise in the underground circuit hasn't gone unnoticed."

Kenzo's muscles tensed, his irritation giving way to wariness. "You're spying on me?"

Aizawa's lips curved into a slight, enigmatic smile. "Call it what you will. I heard rumours about a fighter with a distinctive quirk. It didn't take long to put the pieces together."

"What's the purpose behind all of this?" Kenzo's inquiry was accompanied by a piercing gaze, his cobalt eyes locked onto Aizawa's fatigued ones.

"I believe you already know," Aizawa responded.

With a deep sigh, Kenzo retorted, "We both understand I can't go back, sir. With all due respect, the next time Principal Nezu wants to drag me back into the hero life, he can do it in person."

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