Chapter 14

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As Kenzo stretched his legs upon the vacant seat, enjoying a moment of quiet, a familiar voice disrupted the tranquillity.

"Mr. Ikari!" called Mina Ashido, a spirited student from 1-A, "Wanna play Uno? It's super fun!"

Kenzo cracked open an eye and looked at her with a bemused smile. "I appreciate the offer, Ashido, but I think I'll catch some shut-eye. Uno can get pretty intense."

"Oh, come on, Mr. Ikari! You don't wanna miss the chance to beat us all, do you?" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Kirishima chimed in, "Shhh! He's sleeping! Let him rest, Ashido!"

Kenzo nodded his thanks to Kirishima and attempted to resume his nap, but the inquisitive nature of the students persisted.

"Mr. Ikari, edits of you keep coming up on my FYP!" announced Hagakure, her invisible form seemingly giddy with excitement.

Kenzo chuckled, "Well, I hope they're entertaining."

"Mr. Ikari, is All Might coming on the trip?" queried Midoriya, curiosity evident in his voice.

Kenzo's eye twitched at the barrage of questions. "No, he's not. Just me Vlad and Aizawa."

The questions continued, each student eager to engage with the enigmatic pro hero.

"Mr. Ikari, can I do braids in your hair?" asked Ashido, already armed with a hair tie.

"Mr. Ikari, do you have a girlfriend?" inquired Kaminari, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Kenzo chuckled, "Maybe another time Ashido. No girlfriend at the moment Kaminari. I'm married to the hero life."

"Mr. Ikari, do you know what fanum tax is?" questioned Iida, his curiosity reflecting in the thoughtful furrow of his brow.

Kenzo raised an eyebrow, "Fanum tax?"

The bus hummed with lively chatter and the occasional burst of laughter as the students continued their barrage of questions and interactions, keeping Kenzo from the peaceful nap he initially sought.

As the students filed out of the bus, Kenzo let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the temporary reprieve from the barrage of questions.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," he muttered to himself.

Aizawa, who had been observing the chaos from the front of the bus, shot Kenzo a wry smile. "You're not used to this, are you?"

Kenzo chuckled. "I'm used to attention, but this is a whole new level. I should've taken my chances with 1-B."

Aizawa nodded in understanding. "1-A is a handful, but they'll grow on you. Just wait."

Kenzo yawned and stretched, attempting to shake off the drowsiness that clung to him. "So, who's in charge around here now?" he asked casually as he stepped off the bus, deftly tying his golden hair into a makeshift ponytail, some shorter strands framing his face.

"It's still the—"

"We're the Wild Wild Pussycats!" a sudden yell erupted from behind Kenzo's ear, causing him to startle. The students gasped in awe as they laid eyes on the highly ranked hero team.

"Wow, awesome!" the students exclaimed in unison.

Kenzo, on the other hand, felt the opposite of elation. He briefly contemplated whether he could sneak back onto the bus and return to UA without being noticed. He fervently hoped that the energetic hero hadn't spotted him yet.

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