Chapter 26

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aka Kenzo has fucked up (again!)


In their inebriated state, Kenzo and the mysterious stranger staggered out of the lively club, the neon lights casting distorted shadows on the dimly lit streets. Laughter and music echoed around them as they navigated their way toward the nearest hotel, the promise of escape and companionship lingering in the drunken night air.

The night air greeted Kenzo and his mysterious companion as they stumbled out of the club, laughter and music still echoing behind them. The neon lights of the cityscape blurred into a dazzling display, and the alcohol coursing through Kenzo's veins heightened his sense of euphoria. The stranger led the way, guiding Kenzo toward the nearest hotel, their steps occasionally faltering in the inebriated dance of the night.

Unbeknownst to Kenzo, a group of avid fans had recognized the pro hero, their cameras ready to capture the unexpected spectacle unfolding before them. As Kenzo and his enigmatic companion entered the hotel, laughter and whispers from the onlookers accompanied the discreet clicks of their cameras.

Inside the lobby, Kenzo's focus wavered between maintaining his balance and attempting to match the stranger's casual grin. The hotel staff, oblivious to the stranger's true identity due to his mask, offered them a casual greeting as they sauntered towards the elevators. Kenzo, however, remained blissfully ignorant of the growing attention surrounding their impromptu escapade.

The elevator doors closed behind them, sealing the duo in their own hazy world. Kenzo swayed slightly, his senses dulled by the alcohol, while the stranger maintained an air of mysterious confidence. The murmurs of the fans, now joined by the excited hum of their smartphones capturing the moment, reverberated in the lobby.

As the elevator ascended, Kenzo's eyelids drooped, and he leaned against the wall for support. The stranger, still masked in enigma, observed the hero's state with a knowing glint in their eyes. The clicking of the elevator doors signaled their arrival on the designated floor, and as they stepped out, the fans discreetly trailed behind, documenting the surreal encounter with each step.

Approaching the hotel room, Kenzo fumbled with the key card, a lopsided grin on his face. The stranger's expression remained unreadable, concealing motives beneath layers of charm. Unbeknownst to Kenzo, the fans lingered in the hallway, capturing every moment, their excitement escalating as they witnessed the unfolding scene.

The hotel room door swung open, revealing a space where the night's intoxicating possibilities awaited. Kenzo, too drunk to notice the subtle change in atmosphere, stumbled into the room, a carefree laugh escaping his lips. The stranger followed, their actions cloaked in a mysterious allure.

As the door closed, the fans outside exchanged exhilarated glances, their phones buzzing with the evidence of an unexpected encounter between a pro hero and an enigmatic figure. The internet would soon be flooded with snapshots of Kenzo entering the hotel with the stranger, turning an ordinary night into a sensational spectacle that would leave fans and gossip enthusiasts alike buzzing with speculation.

As they entered the hotel room, the stranger's presence heightened the haze of Kenzo's senses. The dim lighting and plush surroundings felt like a refuge from the harsh realities awaiting outside. Kenzo's disheveled appearance and the stranger's enigmatic allure intensified the charged atmosphere in the room.

Kenzo collapsed onto the bed, his intoxicated thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. "This... this is wild," he mumbled, his words slurred and tinged with the lingering buzz of Hennessy. The stranger, leaning against the door, wore a smirk that hinted at hidden intentions.

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