Chapter 49

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As Kenzo pulled up to UA on his sleek motorbike, the students couldn't contain their excitement. A buzz of whispers and excited yells spread through the air as they caught sight of their cool teacher arriving in style.

"Yo, is that Mr. Ikari on a bike?"

"Whoa, check it out! He's so badass!"

"He's back! Mr. Ikari's back!"

As Kenzo parked his bike and removed his helmet, shaking his blonde head, he was greeted by a flurry of enthusiastic greetings. Students rushed over to dap him up, exchanging fist bumps and high-fives with infectious energy.

"Mr. Ikari, you're so cool!"

"We missed you, sensei!"

"Nice ride, sir!"

Kenzo grinned, feeling a surge of pride at the warm welcome from his students. He appreciated their excitement and was glad to be back among them, ready to inspire and guide them as their instructor at UA.

With a nod of appreciation to his students, Kenzo made his way into the school, his confidence bolstered by their support and enthusiasm. As he prepared for another day of teaching, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on their lives once again.

Kenzo knocked on Principal Nezu's office door, his mind swirling with the events of the past weeks. As the door swung open, revealing the diminutive yet sharp-eyed figure of the principal, Kenzo stepped inside, his expression serious.

"Ah, Ikari, it's good to see you back," Nezu greeted him, his tone warm yet perceptive. "Please, have a seat. I'm eager to hear about your experiences during your hiatus."

Taking a seat opposite Nezu's desk, Kenzo squared his shoulders, preparing to recount the tumultuous events that had transpired in his absence.

"Thank you, Principal Nezu," Kenzo began, his voice steady. "It's been a challenging time, to say the least."

He proceeded to debrief Nezu about his temporary loss of quirk, the threats from Shigaraki, and the cryptic messages from Hawks. However, he omitted the details surrounding Shigaraki's attack on him, feeling a sense of discomfort at delving into that particular aspect.

"I've regained my quirk now," He continued, his gaze meeting Nezu's unwaveringly. "But I can't shake the feeling that the League of Villains is planning something big. Hawks hinted at it, but he was cryptic about the details. I believe we need to be prepared for whatever they have in store."

Nezu listened intently, his sharp intellect piecing together the fragments of information Kenzo provided. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Ikari," he replied, his voice tinged with gravity. "We'll need to increase security measures and remain vigilant in the coming weeks."

Kenzo nodded in agreement, relieved to have shared his concerns with Nezu. As he rose and made his way towards the door, Principal Nezu's voice halted him in his tracks.

"Ikari, wait," Nezu called out, his tone tinged with concern. "Before you go, there's something else I need to ask. You didn't have your quirk when Shigaraki broke into your home. Did he do anything else to you?"

Kenzo's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing as he grappled with how to respond. He hesitated, his gaze flickering away for a moment before meeting Nezu's keen eyes.

"No," he replied, his voice carefully neutral. "He didn't do anything else."

There was a brief pause, during which Kenzo could almost feel Nezu's scrutiny boring into him. He resisted the urge to fidget under the weight of the unspoken questions hanging in the air.

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