Chapter 71

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guys its getting intense


Kenzo woke up with a sense of peace settling over him, despite the weight of the upcoming mission. He stretched out in bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun filtering through the curtains. Taking a deep breath, he allowed himself a moment to simply bask in the tranquillity of the morning.

After a few moments, Kenzo rose from bed and made his way to the bathroom. The sound of running water filled the air as he turned on the shower, letting the warm cascade wash over him. Closing his eyes, he allowed the sensation to envelop him, washing away any lingering traces of doubt or fear.

As he lathered his hair with shampoo, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a sense of calm washing over him. The rhythmic motion of his hands massaging the suds into his scalp, coupled with the soothing sound of the water, lulled him into a state of tranquillity.

For a brief moment, all thoughts of the mission faded away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and serenity. In that moment, Kenzo felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he carried his mother's love with him, guiding him through the darkness.

As he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off, Kenzo couldn't help but smile, feeling a renewed sense of determination coursing through his veins. Today was the day he would face Shigaraki, the most dangerous villain in Japan, but he was ready. With his mother's love in his heart and a sense of peace in his soul, Kenzo knew that he would emerge victorious, no matter what the outcome.

He stood before his wardrobe, contemplating his choice of attire for the day. Despite having a new hero costume, sleek and black, he found himself drawn to the familiarity of his old one—the one he had worn when he first began his journey as Aero.

With a determined nod, Kenzo reached for the blue costume, adorned with the signature "A" emblem on the chest. It felt like a return to his roots, a reminder of the journey he had undertaken to become the hero he was today.

As he slipped into the familiar fabric, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia wash over him. This costume had seen him through countless battles and victories, and today would be no different.

He stood before the mirror, adjusting the straps of his old eye mask and securing his cape around his shoulders. The eye mask, with its sleek design, gave him a sense of anonymity, allowing him to focus solely on his mission without distraction.

As he fastened the cape, Kenzo felt a surge of determination course through him. The cape billowed behind him, a symbol of the hero he had become and the legacy he carried with him.

With one final glance in the mirror, Kenzo nodded to himself, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him. Today, he would stand as Aero once more, ready to protect the people of Mustafu with all his strength and resolve.

Kenzo turned around, his smile widening as he saw Shin leaning against the doorframe. Despite the weariness evident in Shin's expression, there was a glint of contentment in his eyes.

"Hey, Shin," Kenzo greeted warmly, gesturing for him to come inside. "What are you doing up so early?"

Shin pushed himself off the doorframe, stepping into the room with a yawn. "Couldn't sleep," he admitted, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Thought I'd come check on you. You know, make sure you're not having any last-minute doubts about facing Shigaraki."

Kenzo chuckled, shaking his head. "No chance of that," he replied confidently. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Shin studied him for a moment, his gaze lingering on Kenzo's face. "You look happy," he observed, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I mean, you're practically glowing."

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